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Gretchen Adams's Resume

I am a second year student of Okaloosa-Walton College. I have been taking classes to get my AA degree and then I plan on continuing school to achieve a degree in business. I have held a job as a ER Registration clerk at Healthmark Regional Medical Center. I have taken computer classes all through high school. Recently, I have been taking classes in Accounting 1 and Intro to World Wide Web.

I have been developing my business skills for the past four years and plan on continuing to increase my skills for years to come. This resume summarizes my qualifications for employment in any field. The following categories displays  my qualifications:

Educational Qualifications


Attending school to achieve my AA degree. Then, will reach for my Business Degree.

Computer Applications

Computer Programs

Resume Contents

Positions I Have Held

                Cashier Clerk

                ER / Outpatient Registration Clerk

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Resume Contents

What I'm Doing Now

At this point in time I am taking two college classes which are Intro to World Wide Web and Accounting 1. I am also currently looking for a Full-time position, preferably day hours.

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How to Contact Me

This web page is owned by Gretchen Adams. My e-mail address is

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