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=3 Exporeeeee!!! Haff FUUUUUNNNNNN!!!! =D


Okay. Its past 11PM and I'm pooped. I watched an X-file today, it was pretty creepy... about cannabalism and chickens and crap... oO All Papua New Guinea tribes and stuff. My aunt told me that if I didn't behave, she'd send me to Papua New Guinea, where the eat PEOPLE!!!! AAAHHH I thought she was serious, but I was like 7 then.. u_u.. Well, anyways, POSTEH ON MY TAG BOARD BEFORE I EAT YOU

Marli is creeped out at 11:22PM on Saturday


BABOOMP!!! I forgot to update yew loyal fans on the life of meh. Last night was a dance (ooooo aaaaahhh), well, anyway, Cheese curls are addictive, darnit. Once you start eating them you can't stop! T__T Well, at the dance, there was next to no one to talk to. T_T and when Whittier and I were playing soccer with water bottles the dumb, stupid, evil sixth grade boys stole our game ><.. hmmmpphh.. well anyway, we had "Cap'n Kurk" as our DJ, who plays retarderd songs and still is retarded, and I need cheese curls dammit. NOW. >.< uhhh yah, I'll eat 'em monday and stuff.. well signing off now!

Marli is craving cheese curls 5:14 PM Saturday


Welcome! I am finally getting somewhere with this damned layout. I am NOT computer friendly and know next to nothing about HTML. Sooo.. Meh site will look stupid.. and confusing... Yah.. Anyways! Today I had a softball game, and we won. Unfortunatly, it was at 9 AM... too early e___o I am bored.. Its the day before Mothers' Day, and tommorrow we're having a special breakfast at our church. la la la! Well, other than that, nothing is up, we may be getting s'more kittens to name and find homes for, I'll haff a submit-a-name box or whatever.. Yah. No pictures, yet, I'm hoping to scan some from my trip to the Met. in NY. Maybe you'll be able to see me!

Marli is bored @ 3:05PM Saturday

Wearing: heart-coverred old navy pajama pants, a grey tee shirt and cat ears
Watching: a Polly Pocket commercial
Surfing: none
Talking to: Carter (lil cousin), Ali(same age cousin)
Listening to: none.. -sigh-
Eating: see above

i have no life
I love safety pins I <3 Patrick Starr I'M A LOSER scented //Kitty Litter
All this is © Marli aka Atomic Llama. Don't Steal!