This layout is up for grabs, take it, rape it, pee on it, do what you wish with it. I'm not a selfish bitch and I'd like to give credit for Stevie for the banner and layout. I got the background from somewhere, so if you care that much, go look around. Just enjoy my roleplay, that's all I ask.
Win/Loss/Draw Roleplay Number Felt The Widows Peak
002 - 000 - 000 005 Stephanie McMahon(x2)
~*~ eCe has experienced something that hasn't happened in a long while and that is a diva holding onto the Womens belt after winning it and successfully, I might add. Victoria isn't like any other diva on this roster, she will fight for everything she believes in and fight FOR everything and everyone who believes in her. That man is none other than The Game, who ran through his competition just like Victoria did with Stephanie with Hunter enjoying the action. What will happen this week now that most of the gold is back in Degeneration X's possession? You will find out soon enough. ~*~

~*~ Victoria is sitting on the bed, looking down at the Women's championship like if it has her caught in a trance. She has on pink tights with her name on it and a black sleeveless shirt with a clip holding her hair together. She focuses on the belt as Triple H comes in the scene. ~*~

' the game ' Triple H: Vic, I am really starting to worry about you. You haven't said a word since you won the women's championship and you said we were going to "party." Did I say something that pissed you off because let's face it, sometimes I do things that tend to piss people off.

~*~ Victoria maintains her focus on the belt as Hunter looks a bit worried. Triple H has on his street clothes, black jeans, no shirt and walks on over to where Victoria is sitting, putting his arm around Victoria's back. ~*~

' the game ' Triple H: Come on, why don't we put down this title and do something? Hell, you know how I get, once you get The Game going, the fun doesn't stop.

~*~ Victoria shrugs her shoulder, forcing Hunter to remove his arm off her shoulder as now he seems to be getting pissed off. ~*~

' the game ' Triple H: What the HELL is it?! You start this bullshit with Stephanie, saying how much you want me and start doing these crazy things unknown to man to "seduce" me and now that you got what you want, you don't want it anymore?! What the heck am I to you, Victoria? Chopped liver?! I am The Game, I am the eCe WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, I deserve at least an explaination on why you are acting so cold towards me!

~*~ Finally it seems Victoria looks up and into Triple H's eyes, who has a look upon his face like he wants to kick the living snot out of somebody. ~*~

' the vixen ' Victoria: Baby, it's not you, it's never been you. Through all this, through the whole entire match with Stephanie McMahon, I felt like = Like I didn't even exist to Stephanie, like if she wanted to just beat me up. What do I have to do to get her to notice me?

~*~ Triple H is getting a bit concerned, not really thinking what Victoria had was actual feelings for Steph as he sits there, speechless. ~*~

' the vixen ' Victoria: This has been something I wanted to say to Stephanie for along time and it's that I simply admired the woman for so many years. I don't care that we wrestled, I don't care if she hates my guts right now but she released something inside me that - That not even God can describe. When I was in the ring with her at Leap Of Faith, the minute I stepped into the ring with her and put my hands around her hot, sexy body, I just felt like ...

' the game ' Triple H: Wait a minute here, are you telling me this isn't just a put-on? That this thing you have for Stephanie McMahon is real? What kind of man do you take me for, huh?! I am not your one night fling, drop my trousers and do whatever you please with me, kind of guy! I am so angry with you that I could just ...

~*~ Victoria is looking nervous, fearing she just really angered Triple H but then his anger turns into a smile, kissing Victoria gently on her lips. ~*~

' the game ' Triple H: That I could kiss you, God just thinking of you and Stephanie together makes me the happiest man alive. Hey, if she only listened to your advice and be willing to share, she could be in this bed with you, me and her. We could've had our very own triple threat match, if you get what I'm sayin'. Heh, but no, she has to play the hard nosed bitch that has to get her way no matter what. I'll tell you this, if she got her way and things were swinging her way, she wouldn't be a former Women's champion AND without a husband. Maybe if she just took your advice, she'd be in a much more "compromising" position - In every way imaginable!

~*~ Victoria raises her eyebrow, enjoying seeing this new side of The Game. ~*~

' the vixen ' Victoria: You are so sweet and look, if we both are encouraging her to make out with us, what's the problem here? As long as I get what I want, she gets what she wants and you get both of us, we'd all be very, very happy together.

~*~ Triple H runs his hand up and down Victoria's back, trying to comfort her. ~*~

' the game ' Triple H: Too bad you have Edge in the way or else you'd really have your fun with Stephanie. I mean, what I wouldn't give to see you and Stephanie in the ring once more.

~*~ Victoria nudges Triple H with her arm playfully, looking at him. ~*~

' the vixen ' Victoria: Speaking of my match, I looked it over and you barely said anything. You have to be more talkitive during it. I love hearing you talk, wrestle and sweat, it makes me so hot.

~*~ Victoria runs her hands over her breasts, getting very wet down there. ~*~

' the vixen ' Victoria: But I do have to face Edge AND Stephanie in the ring and my partner is Christian. Christian kind of scares me with that goofy hair of his but I think he can get the job done as my tag team partner, I have confidence in him, it's Edge I worry about. I'm afraid Edge might hurt me and put me out of action for along time. There is a reason I wear a kneebrace to the ring and it's not for show. But if Edge, Lita or Stephanie want to fight me, fine, i'll fight them. There's no thing I'm not and that's a person that runs away from a challenge and I consider Edge and Stephanie McMahon a challenge.

~*~ Triple H gently pushes her down on the bed, rubbing her all over. ~*~

' the game ' Triple H: Don't worry about anything, if Edge dares lay a hand on you, he'll be wearing his beaver teeth on his head and people will think he is a damn rabbit. I will protect you, no one will EVER hurt you again, not while The Game is around. Edge and Stephanie will NEVER beat your team, you guys have something they don't and that's the ability to fight harder when your backs are against the wall. Enough talking, I am still waiting for my "celebration" prize.

' the vixen ' Victoria: Oh baby, you're gonna be "celebrating" all night long.

~*~ Victoria slides her hands down, underneath Triple H's pants. Scene cuts before showing anything else. ~*~