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Gerbils and Puffballs ROCK!

Ok now.................



Hunter- ur weird e-mail me for science project

Nihar- I'm gonna trip u no no u cant stop me, Mr.

gorman, i gotta go poo-poo, later, Mr. gorman, i

gotta go poo-poo, later, Mr. gorman, i gotta go

poo-poo, OK THEN GO!!!!!!, 5 minutes later,

Mr. gorman, i gotta go piss-piss, later

Nathan- hi

Thomas- i took a big one

Joe- Ur too nerdy

Nathaniel- hey naphaniel!

Daniel- Im NOT ur puppy

Frankie- ur too quiet

Loran- ur just flat out retarded

Jim-JImm- too bad u left..... :(

Corey- Ur weird too

Coper- oops i mean cooper


Jenn- ur weird like Hunter

Mary- u poke too hard

Jaime- ur mean

Riley- i laugh at u

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