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An Official Adolph Baumer Roleplay ..

You Don't Know .. What You Have Awoken ..

Some people put their faith in Christianity .. I however on the other hand, set forth mine in artillery. Men choose their maker, but I know I control my own destiny. I do not fear the power of false gods .. For I can tell you what is to come. I am the man in which you must fear. I am the man that decides your fate. You will all soon see clearly .. I am not a man to mess with. I am not a man in which you should take likely. I have been set upon this Earth, for one purpose, and one purpose only. To take out those who are not of my kind. To inflict punishment on all of the sub human filth which try and better themselves. For they are not on my level. They need not live, for they have no purpose in this world. And believe me when I say .. It does not stop there. Oh no, far from it. If you are a sympathizer to the cause, then rest assured that you will fall victim as well. For far to long now, people have been roaming this Earth freely. For far to long, we have been dwelling with such filth. Such filth in which should have been put to rest over half a century ago. You believe I am extreme in my ways? Or that my purpose is false? That I show stupidity for my views? The thing that you should be thinking to yourself my friends, is why no one else has stood up for the cause. How could you possibly call yourself a man, if you don't stand up for your rights? You know nothing about being a man. You know nothing about standing up for your God given rights. That's right my friends. The world is what we make of it. We are not here to serve anyone .. We are here to put an end to the bullshit which has filled this world. Follow me, my friends .. And you shall have a better world.

Our scene opens up to Boston, Massachusetts. The TD Northbank Garden is what we view. Our camera angle comes into the view of the inside of the arena. The IWA is at a buzz, as workers are running around the scene getting everything in order for the event. We come into the picture, where we come to Drew Schultz standing by with an unfamiliar face. He stands by as there is a camera crew on hand. One of the stage hands motions to him, as he signals they are ready for air. Drew Schultz begins speaking as he looks at the unfamiliar man in a confused fashion.

Drew Schultz: Hello ladies and gentlemen, and let me welcome you to a special session we are having here. I stand by now, with IWA's new comer Adolph Baumer. I've been talking with him for a few minutes now, and well .. Let me say, he has some extreme views. Let me warn you now, this is not for the young kids at home to view.

Drew nods his head to the camera as he pauses for several moments. He turns his attention to the man, now known as Adolph Baumer. Baumer stands motionless as he looks off into the distance. Drew begins speaking as he begins the interview.

Drew Schultz: Well, first off let me formally welcome you here to the IWA. Now, you have been scheduled for a match at IWA's All or Nothing pay-per-view. This will be your first match here in the IWA and you will be facing Charles Koresh. What are your thoughts on this? And what brought you here exactly to the IWA?

Adolph Baumer: You want to welcome me? Let me ask you a question, Drew? Who the hell are you? What weight do you hold here in the IWA? Who the hell even cares about you? You're an interviewer now .. So ask your questions and do your job. I don't need all the little small talk. Now. I've come here to the IWA, and it's simple. I'm going to do what I have done in every other federation I've been in. I'm not here to win titles. I'm here to make each and everyone here respect me. You won't like my views, you won't like what I do .. And I can most guarantee that you will not like me. But I'm not here to win a fucking popularity contest. I'm not here to be anyone's friend. I'm not about to stand here, and tell you all that I'm gonna make an impact and take over the entire fed. I'm not about that. I'm here to prove a point. The superiority in which I contain. You people have stood around doing nothing for long enough. Sorrow has sank deep inside of my blood watching idle bodies live their lives amongst filth .. And doing absolutely nothing about it. There is a time in our lives, when something major happens. When a life altering experience happens. Unfortunetaly for you people, you will all be a part of it. You shall all feel my presence. You will know the name of Adolph Baumer. I have no catch phrases .. I have no pathetic little slogans in which I pass off trying to get another fan .. I am a man of business .. Yet in my business, I gain pleasure watching your lives dwindle away at my hands. Getting back to your pathetic questions Drew .. I must say, I could really care less about what Charles Koresh has to say. I could really care less about what the man is about. They could of given me any man here in the IWA .. And you could rest assured that they would have suffered the same fate. They would of all lost to the man known as Adolph Baumer. I'm glad however, Koresh can quote Hitler. For Hitler is a man of much wisdom. Hitler is perhaps, one of the greatest men to walk this very Earth. "It is time to clean, we must eradicate the Jews." For what good is a Jew? They have perhaps as much purpose in this world as the man Charles Koresh. As far as what brought me here to the IWA .. In time my friend, in time you shall find out.

Drew Schultz: Jews holding no purpose? That's pretty extreme right there. I mean, surely you cannot believe these thoughts of yours to be true? You do not believe truly in the thing you say right?

Adolph Baumer: Everything of which I say, contains a purpose. So listen in, very carefully. If you follow my words, then you follow in the right path. You shall all soon enough know the purpose for the things that I say. Charles Koresh apparently knows well of who I am. He is on his very knees at the moment, praying. He does not want to face me. I say what I feel, and things that are the truth. For if I were to say them, and they were a mere lie .. Then what would be the purpose in that? I do not have the time to stand here and make a mockery of myself. I never have a wasted breath. Everything I do is in reason. Everything I do has its purpose. Because you have never met a man like myself, you are worried. You are worried what other people shall think of me. Let me tell you something. I could care less what you, or anyone else thinks of me. For what I tell, is the truth. People will listen to it, believe me. If they doubt me, then it is of no fault but their own. They should be compelled by the words in which I speak. For I am not a liar. I am a man of faith .. And I put my faith in my own hands.

Drew Schultz: Very well then .. That is your right as an American Citizen .. And remember that. It's because of America that you have that freedom of speech. Go to Germany, and see what will happen to you if you speak such things and you parade around as you do.

Adolph Baumer: Go to Germany? What purpose is it for me to go to Germany. The Reich is every where my friend. Whether you like it or not .. My brothers shall one day band together, and we will rid this world of the filth in which it contains. I am only an instrument of speech. I am getting my word out there, and it shall be heard. No longer will men stand by idly .. They shall be doing something about it. They will, for the first time, have a purpose in life. They will not just feel that empty void in which they have for their entire lives. I have not once cast down shame on my American heritage. I have not once said one bad thing about this country. Do not try and throw it in my face as if I was some terrorist or communist. Think before you speak.

Drew Schultz: Getting back to what we originally were speaking of. Charles Koresh has released a rather emotional, or moving I should say, promotional video. He has been seen, praying for your sins. Do you have a comment on this?

Adolph Baumer: The man is weak. He knows that he cannot possibly stand toe to toe with Adolph Baumer, so he tries to call on an outside force. He tries to call upon whatever god he prays to. His god is not strong. Who knows what the hell he is even babbling on about. I'm not about to stand here and go into instant shock for the man has prayed. Hell, you can be a Jew, and pray .. It still doesn't mean shit. You tell me this. What good does praying for a victory over a supreme cause do? I'll give you the answer .. Nothing. He is wasting his time. He acts righteously, but is about everything in which is wrong. There needs to be guidance in this man's life. And all though he is praying, he still will never gain anything from it. For he is praying for selfish reasons. Reasons which his god shall only turn a deaf ear to for he doesn't exist. When you pray .. Make it meaningful. Do not go off praying for selfish things .. Do not pray for things that are impossible. Charles Koresh will not beat me in that ring. I know it. He knows it .. And hell, he's scared for his life. Why else would a man make such a mockery of himself?

Drew Schultz: One more question before we have to wrap this thing up. Why be so open with your feelings? Most people do not even consider showing these types of views .. Why do you?

Adolph Baumer: Pride is nothing to be ashamed of. I am proud of my superiority, as well as my God given right. Do not get it twisted .. It's not that I hate every other race out there .. It's that some people were meant to lead, and other to slave away. I am about keeping the will of The Reich in it's best interest. I am about keeping this filth from destroying the superiority and the purity in which my race contains. I will not stand by while I see it destroyed. Hell, I'm fed up with all of it, if you want to know the truth. Little white kids running around, listening to God knows what. The black man trying to run their mouths about how they have been held down .. And rightly so. We do not need to hear jungle music. We do not need to hear about the cops in which they have shot at, the sluts in which the have had intercourse with, the number of years they have been in prison .. It is all irrelevant. Then, when little white kids make them rich by buying their CDs .. They have the audacity to talk shit on white people? It is not right, no matter how you look at it. If you believe yourself to be a sympathizer of that cause, then you are no friend of mine. Stop black on black crimes? No. Stop black people from running their mouths all together. Black on black crimes is only a solution. They are so dumb, that they do the dirty work for us. As far as I am concerned, they can keep it up. I will say whatever I want. I am not afraid of any man. I do not fear any man. Most men are scared for they give into the ways of main stream. It is not cool to act and dress black if you are white. I will not give into the ways of society. If I don't like you, I will let you know. There shall be no man to step over Adolph Baumer.

Drew Schultz looks a little shocked at the way the interview went. He stands there, looking at Adolph Baumer with his eyes wide open. Baumer continues his glance into the camera. It is a cold stare. The man means what he says. He does not intend on making anyone like him, and he does not say things in order to be popular. He turns his glance to the right, as he begins to walk away from the scene. Drew Schultz looks at the camera, as he shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head in disbelief. The scene fades away to black, as the camera cuts off.

Scene Ends.

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