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My Fontbonne Friends



Hey guys, Hope i remeber u all, if i don't, let me know i will put u in.
By the way, on occasion, i am gonna write stuff next to someone's name to get it out, i mena outta anger, so do em the favor, don't tell them, i will myself if i truly wish for them to see it. thanks.

O and u guys in the play, i luv ya.

Drama memories: *Newman
*I heart You.
*Me dancing backstage, hehehe.
*behind the barricade, OMG that i shall never forget.
*the ring, especially at the party, hehehe, i luv to scare peeps, can ya tell?
*that must have been a record on how fast the cops were called to our cast party.

Now on to to the peeps. Sry, i have to giv emy fellow GFPs credit.

Lauzey - U Rock!!!! How's the leg supergirl? Hows the offical offical thing going? I am glad u r back in school. No more adventures of george and blue crush :( but we will survive. I heart you!

Marie - U Rock!!! Jon likes fire. LOL. Any new rats u want me to take care of? or any murdering purple aliens? I heart you!

Erin - Hey hun, i am sry for flipping on u. i should never have done that. i hope u forgive me. anyway, what to say to u? "Now I laugh as i count bugs, i giev strangers great big hugs." You r one of my best friends. You loooked awsome at prom. I heart you!

Southie - well, fun times in guidince, well expect for when u skipped. lol. waters i great. Ding, ding, here comes the shit mobile. "I played track, hung out in malls, Fred ran headfirst into walls". I heart you!

Maureen - Hey hun, how's it going? Congrate on getting making the play/having a line this year. U rock. Don't let baylor get u down. I mean, what u expect from a guy u have never been laid. lol. Luv ya hun. I heart you!

Rosemary - hey hun, u rocked this year. I am so proud of you. keep up th egood work in the plays. u r a really good friend, don't change. I heart you

Jilly - Beans. lol. "Did u know that maga come from volcanoes". lol. Gotta luv the randomness that is keri. Hehehehe. Congrates on ur line in les mis. thata is so great. I wish i could do that. Maybe i will be up there with u next year. "Did you know that when bunnies hop, unless they are lsitening, their ears go up and down?". hehehe "Can i touch? Superman man. I heart you!

Steph G. - heheh random pics. lol. The ring. I heart you"

Meg F. - fun times in select/the musical. liek my backstage dancing? I heart you.

Monica B. - See GR

Kelly G. - See gr.

Beth - hehehee, poodle. i miss mr lyman's class.

Caitlin T. - yeah, the rumor is not true, just reminding u. lol. liek i said for beth, i miss our quality time with lyman. Can't wait for senior tribute.

Joy - I am older. lol. fun times in spanish.

Kay-tee - luv instrumental. hehehe class time = call lauzey time

Marybeth - hey bob, paintball. floss. u got somehting right there. lol jk. luv ya hun

Laura - i am gonna miss u next year. keep in touch hun. u rock. who's ur colin?

Kerry B - ok, pick a hair color and stay wiht it hun. fun times at spookyworld

Andrea C. - fun times wiht waters. and with bond

Lauren B. - enter not do, yes i sitll remenber that one

Feeney - orlando is ugly, him and justin totaly are getting it on. lol.