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The Long Road Back To Health
My Personal WLS Journey

Hello Everyone!

I started this site as a personal journal for me to have while going through the process of weightloss surgery.  This is going to be a very long process and my site will change accordingly.

There are so many people that need to realize what being obese means.   It's not that you are a lazy overeater that won't exercise.   It is a disease, which in turn can cause many health concerns.   I hope that this can bring some insight to others that normally wouldn't know or care about being obese.   Also that it will help people in similiar situations to be more informed about the options and tools out there to aid in the cure of Morbid Obesity.

I would first like to start by telling you a bit about myself.   I am 36 yrs old, 5'9", and I weigh 288 lbs.   My weight condition has caused me significant health problems, some of which appear to be getting progressively worse as time goes on.   My current health problems are Diabetes, PCOD, Depression with Anxiety, Leg, Foot and Joint Pain, Sleep Apnea, High Cholesterol, High Tryglicerides, Hasimoto's Disease, Carpal Tunel, Edema, and I have recently been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.  These health problems have various concerns on their own, and if you put them all together, you have me!

If you find what seems to be a broken link, just hit your refresh button, and the page will be there.  Feel free to e-mail me with questions, concerns or just to say hello.  Also please sign my guestbook, I would greatly enjoy the feedback.

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My Journal

February 18, 2003     This is the day I started my journey.  I had an appointment with my family doctor about the possibility of surgery.  He was very helpful and agreed that it is the best option for me.   He has started the ball rolling for me.  Now I get to wait, and wait, and wait some more.  I'm expecting a packet from the hospital and surgeon that will be doing my procedure.  Then of course is the insurance issue.

February 20, 2003    I received my packet from the hospital and surgeon today.  I am very excited about the whole process, and to begin my new healthier life.  There isn't much to do with the initial packet.  I'm sure there will be many questions and tests that still have to be done.

March 5, 2003    I have sent my package back to the hospital and surgeon.  I'm still waiting for them to contact me about my first appointment.  This waiting really is hard to do.  I'm not a patient person when it comes to something I really want to do.

March 8, 2003    I received a letter from the hospital and it wasn't very encouraging.   Infact it made me spend most of the day in tears.   The letter stated that I would have to undergo their WLS diet for 2 years before I could get an appointment.  Which made me feel that I would be sick for 2 more years before anything would be considered.

March 10, 2003     I have taken matters into my own hands.   I went to my support groups and told them what has happened.  I got very good suggestions from them and contacted Surgical Associates in Grinnell.   The surgeons office told me what they needed from my doctor.   I called my doctor and told him what was needed and by the time I went in for todays appointment he already had me scheduled for my consultation on April 4th with Dr Todd Eibes.  Only a couple weeks away.  I can't believe how easy that was.  Now I am excited, nervous and a bit scared of the whole process.  I'm sure it will be well worth it to regain my health and finally be able to work again.

March 11, 2003    Here I am again, I received my packet from the new surgeon today.  I am feeling better about the whole process, due to the fact that the packet contained tons of information.  And how thoughtful of them to even include a map to the front door of their office.  I probably won't post much until after my appointment on April 4th.  I will be however adding more information and tidbits as I find them.   I am also going to start to get used to the diet that needs to be followed.   The packet contained the "do's and don'ts of the wls diet". I figure it can't hurt to try and drop a few before I go into surgery. I have a few weeks to wean myself off of my beloved pepsi.

Journal continued on My Journal Page 2

This is my beautiful daughter.  She is the main reason I am taking this journey.   To be healthier and to maintain life to be with her as she grows.

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I'm Gonna Make A Change, For Once In My Life
It's Gonna Feel Real Good, Gonna Make A Difference
Gonna Make It Right . . .
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