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This is some info on our members...

Travis or aka Thug is a 14 year old student, who attends grade 8. Travis was the one who got the clan started. Haha he is the almighty creator. He was the one who came up with what FDA stands for. FDA stands for Fucking Dumb Ass. Travis' hobbies include boxing and football, he enjoys playing on the computer, being active and acting.

Kent or Lug is a 13 year old student, who also attends grade 8. Kent was the one who thought to call the clan FDA. Kent enjoys being on the computer...he spends alot of his time there. His hobbies include hockey, computer, talking to girls and hagging out with friends.

Devin or Pug is a 14 year old student who also attends grade 8.Devin enjoys being active alot...he always wants to be outside. His intrests include soccer and DDR. Devin likes playing on the computer for short periods of time.

mug or aka Tyler is a 13 year old student who also attends grade 8, but hates school all together. Tyler loves to play counter-strike, whenever i call him hes always playing. His intests include, well counter-strike and setting off fire works and fire crackers.

cs_pinoy is our great and funny friend Joel. Joel was born in the Phillipines but moved here to canada. Joel likes to play counter-strike and is a fun guy to play it with. Joel's intrests or hobbies unclude hockey, DDR and basketball.

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