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blah blah blah

(past entries are subject to change)

A HAIKU<---(updated: apr04)

The Obligatory Intro...

GUESTBOOK (PLAYING: "Girl" by The Beatles)

Me: so-o-o-o... You: _______________________(type on the reverse side if answer exceeds provided space)


entree: tomorrow`s band practice and i don`t want to go, i missed the last 3 practices so i feel obligated to go, mommy, don`t make me go Apr20

entree: today i went out for a drink with an old friend whom i hadn`t seen in ages, we had very little to say to each other, even as our blood to alcohol level strayed from the legal limit, our conversations remained superficial and cliche, we discussed religion unpassionately, we half-assed our way through politics and current affairs, we exchanged moronic anecdotes about women, and when we couldn`t think of a topic to fill the silent void we reminisced about the good ol` days and made empty promises to better ourselves...

he told me that he`d been taking acting workshops and learning the good ol` stanislavsky method with this new york acting coach, he idolizes de nero and pacino, the problem is that he`s a pretty lousy actor, poor guy, he doesn`t even realize how much he sucks, he performed this david mammet monologue for me and boy did he really stink it up, i had to sit through it and pretend that i was enjoying his little peformance, actors are such funny people

"...and don`t forget to drink plenty of liquids!" (or why karlo woke up today feeling dehydrated as hell)

-two cups of black coffee
-followed by a double esspresso
-medium-sized black coffee at baker`s dozen
-one pint of alexander keith`s
-two pints of kilkenney
-two bottles of heineken
-closed off with a mediumcoffee(double cream/no sugar) at coffee time


entree: why am i still on? Apr13

entree: HuahahaAHahauhahahaha... the "vote for mofo of the week" button is up and running!!! HuahahahahaahhaahaaaHaha... boy oh boy, if i ever get voted in...blah blah blah (just you wait and see!!!) Apr12

entree: after a week of absence, i`m back, though only chestfeels like it`s gonna go anysecond, have you heard of that joke about the man who had an anvil on his chest? no? oh... here`s a list of a few movies i saw while i wason hiatus

movies galore (or space filler deeply, inertia,three and a half, monsoon wedding, donnie darko, amoresperros, y tu mama tambien, the parlor (short), i shout love (short)...

a final word before i go: the i ching only makes sense because it`s not supposed to
P.S. i`ll talk about ruth and all the other things that happened this week later on when i`m up to it

later: i feel strangely emotional right now, i cried when i heard a snipet of a piece from madama butterfly on the tv just now (listenin` to cio cio san indeed...) Mar31

entree: "there`s a world where i can go and tell my secrets my...err... bed???"

brian wilson had his room, rivers cuomo had his parents` garage, i have my bed...i have everything i need to live a modest and sane existence on my bed, here are some of those items listed in no particular order:

-20+ assortment of my favourite cd`s (beatles.charlieparker.the pixies.ella.bob marley.james brown.miles davis.santana.billie holiday.weezer.nirvana.wes montgomery.antonio carlos jobim.charlie christian along with a host of others)
-bustedcd walkman w/ pc speakers
-"autumn"(electric) and/or my acoustic guitar
-novelty-size mini amp
-unused art paraphernalia
-a vonnegut or two
-unread second hand copyof the I CHING
-my doodle notebook
-library card
-one unopened bottle of water
-old high school band demo tapes
-things to write and doodle with
-loose sheets of blank paper
-accumilation of old now!/eye magazines Mar26

entree: to display america`s displeasure with france`s opposition against the war, it changed the names of french fries and french toast to freedom fries and freedom toast, i fear that it is only a matter of time before francophones (or french canadians) are referred to by our american neighbours as freedom canadians... later on: S.A.R.S.! yipes! my mother found out earlier today thatone of her friends had contractedthedisease, she was transported to the sunnybrookhealth centre for further examination, i wish i knew more about thefriend so i could write an entertaining anecdote but i don`t, though i remember that she prides herself in her collection of over 1000-some odd pornvideos, back in the hospital, they`re keeping her in isolation, she`s doing ok... S.A.R.S: 1300 infected, 50dead and counting singing in the rain (or "a few things i try to live by" or "things i think of when i`m in the shower" or "half-assed principles",or "so on and so forth")

-at some point in your life you will meet someone who will tear you a new asshole so to speak, take pride in your abilities but be humble and conscious of your own limitations

-no matter how bleak things may appear, never lose your sense of humour, its a big world and there are plenty of things to poke fun at... and if worse comes to worse, there`s always an endless supply of toilet jokes to draw upon

-no matter how much cynics choose to argue: love does exist (whetherit`s the love you share with your partner, the love you share with friends, the love you share with your family, or the love you share with your pet) it exists... so give as much loveas your heart is capable of giving, love everything within your grasp, "you are what youlove" (adaptation) sokeep on loving baby!

-and finally, always pursue truth, justice and...(no no, i think i got that from a movie, nevermind...i`m done) Mar25

random thoughts:

1) my shirt smells exactly like the interior of my dad`s old 78` lancer mitsubishi
2) i envyhapa3eb`s metaphorically-inclined brain
3) the frontman for the local band, grindig, is most likely the sweatiest frontman i`ve ever encountered

entree: last saturday, the band auditioned for an autoshow called "darknights", all of the applicants were thugged-out hip hoppers and we were the only"rock" act on board...weplayed anextremelyshort set

later on that night, i went out with afew peopleto help celebrate my good friend`s 21`st birthday, we had amazing sushi for dinner followed by a round of bowling at cliffside`s "bowlarama"...i gotthe highest score with an 83 (e-gad! ) needless to say it was a very fun night

current obsession(s): the pixies, charlie parker, inexpensive bottled water, learning to play "confirmation", newsworld`s adrien arsenault,black t-shirts, the thought of getting mylippierced...bleckk!

F.Y.I. (or another useless fact): flea, the outlandish funky bassist for the chili peppers was brought up as a virtuoso trumpet player who aspired to play bebop like his childhood hero, dizzy gillespie(lead trumpet "bluesfor alice") Mar21

"stop acting like a retard!"(top 10critically acclaimed retarded to speak)

1) dustin hoffman - "rain man"
2) tom hanks - "forrest gump"
3) daniel day-lewis - "my left foot"
4) johnmalcovic - "of miceand men"
5) geofferyrush - "shine"
6) leonardo dicaprio "what`s eating gilbert grape
7) sean penn -"i am sam"
8) robert de niro - "awakening"
9) jodie foster - "nell"
10) billy bob thorton - "sling blade"

...and the list goes on

alas! the typist hath come forth!

"if superman farted, would the fumes kill everything in its way?"

i think if superman farted it would kill thousands of people and cause a catastrophic chain of events that i believe would cause the end of civilization

... if superman farted: thousands of people would die, bush would mistakenly see this as saddam`s doing, take advantage of the situation and solidify his claim to the UN security council that saddamISin fact a threat to world peace, bush`s proposal to invade iraq would be validated by the committee ... before anofficial statement is released, paranoid saddam would launch a missilearmed with his secret nuke warhead and kill thousands of people in new york city, disheartened bush would retaliate by killing all iraqians by sending 3 nukes of his own, thennorth korea would join in on the fun and launch a few nukes of its own... britain, france, germany, italy all join in themassive nuke orgy as bin laden launches separate attacks on each country...(by this time, superman is so guilty of the effects of his fart that he ingests tiny pieces of kryptonite)

by hour 2 of this conflict, humanity would have successfully completed it`s third attemptat suicide...hoo-haa!

-a message from thetypist