Ty Winters
Ty Winters
The Facts
Real Name: Ty Winters
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 280lbs
Hometown: Sacramento, Ca
Race: black
Age: n/a
Style: technical, power
Alignment: n/a
Manager: n/a
Theme Music: put it on me by Ja rule
Contract: signed to OCWA
Nicknames: n/a
Contact: ty_winters@yahoo.com
Freezebit - FU
Trademark Moves
Ty up - Figure 4 Leg Lock
Winter breeze - Rockbottom
10 Moves
2. ddt
3. Clothsline
4. 10 punches( corner move)
5. Hip toss
6. leg drop
Ja Rule
The music hits the pa system, The crowd starts to chant Ty, Ty, Ty. He steps through the curtians adn the fans start to cheer louder, he throws up his arms like a diamond cutter then walks down the ramp way as the pyros go off. He steps in the ring as waits.
Title History
The Story
Ty was born and raised in Cali all his life. Grew up around the street gangs and ran with them till he lost his b/f in a drive by. Ty then swear on that day he was going to straighten up and get his life togather. He met and married Velvet (soon to come to OCWA) they have a little boy togather. Both of them wanted to wrestle so they heard about OCWA, and here they are.