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Name Fatima Clan Assamite
Alliegance Sabbat Nature Pedagouge
Generation 7th Gen. Demeanor Loner
Age Apparent: 25 True: 980 Concept Sword of Caine
Description standing at 5'8" and 136lbs with almond brown eyes, and Long waist Length Ebony Tresses, she is well muscled and very tan
Appearance she tends to dress in comfortable clothing that allows for freedom of movement but she always wears her black leather trench coat (+2 armor)
Background she is the Oldest of 7 children before her change .she is from Mecca the HolyCity of the Muslim people she is a Practicing Muslim (or as much as one can be and be undead and a Woman) Birthplace Mecca
Strength Charisma Perception
Dexterity Manipulation Intelligence
Stamina Appearance Wits
Alertness Animal Ken Academics
Athletics Crafts Computer
Brawl Drive Finance
Dodge Etiquette Investigation
Empathy Firearms Law
Expression Melee Linguistics
Intimidation Performance Medicine
Leadership Security Occult
Streetwise Stealth Politics
Subterfuge Survival Science
Strength(Upperbody) Dexterity(Reflex) (Specialty)
Stamina(Tireless) Appearance(Exotic) Perception(Periphrial)
Wits(Tactics) Athletics(Acrobatics) Crafts(Weapon Smithing)
Brawl(Wing Chun) Drive(Motorcycles) Dodge(Sidestep)
Firearms(Sniper) Melee(Short Swords) Intimidation(Vieled Threats)
Security(Alarm Systems) Stealth(Shadowing) Subterfuge(Misinformation)
Survival(City) (Specialty) (Specialty)
(Specialty) (Specialty) (Specialty)
(Specialty) (Specialty) (Specialty)
Secondary Abilities
Fire Dancing Demolitions (ability)
(ability) (ability) (ability)
(ability) (ability) (ability)
Disciplines Backgrounds Advantages
Celerity Resources Conviction
Obfuscate Contacts Instincts
Quietus Sabbat Status Morale
Auspex Clan Status
Fortitude (Background)
Merits/Flaws Humanity/Path
Flaw Cannot Cross Running Water
Merit Unaging Willpower
(Merits/Flaw) Blood Pool
Stat Sheet Generated by : Sanguinus Curae
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