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  • November 2001 -- Site Created
  • December 2001 -- New Layout
  • February 14, 2002 -- New Layout, New anime Info, New sister site - Midori's Garden!
  • November 16, 2002 -- Vote for me at the Neo Tokyo Top sites!
  • March 14, 2003 -- After a long Haiatus inforced by the stress of Senior year, Otakurave has been revived and more information - including anime reviews - has been added!
Sister Sites

*Midori's Garden*

*Issa's Page*

*The Teen Open Diary Author's Guild!*

Anime Sites

*My Original Art and FanArt*

Non-Anime Sites

*Realm of Krynn*

*Top Secret Files of the OWO Stars*
~a story page. please check out and let me know what you think

*Bumper Stickers from Everywhere* ~more links soon~

< ::OtakuRave:: >

Welcome t o OtakuRave!

If you have visited the site in it's previous incarnation, "The Realm", you'll notice a lot of changes. First of all, there are no more frames. Yes, I eliminated the annoying little frames, so that means there's only one pop-up, AND I can change that pop-up to an in page add if I so desire! ::applause, applause::

Anyhow, Welcome. This is one of my many corners of the web. All soon will be consolidated to fit here or at my geocities account, Midori's Garden. Page is constantly under contruction. The next part I hope to have active is a Japanese Language information page. I am in Japanese Three at my highschool, and I want to share my wealth of knowledge... ((yeah right... )) >.< Anyhow, please enjoy and PLEASE let me know what you think!

Ja ne!