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Eric's Universe News

12/22/2007 - Man, I don't update the news section enough, don't I? Anyway, Eric's universe is moving to SmackJeeves. Why? I dunno, I heard somewhere it was better. lol
5/1/2007 - If any of you are wondering why there's a link to Video Game Tyrant Website along with the rest of my links, then wonder no more! I made a deal with that website's owner in order for both of us to get more viewers. He placed a link to my website on his site and vis versa. And why not? It's free advertising. I was going to tell you earlier, but stuff kept coming up. Like the death of my grandfather and work related stuff.
- Also, I updated the chapter settings so now there is a link to the next and previous chapter you were reading. That way, you don't have to rely on the "back" button on top of your web browser.
- One more thing, if you have any ideas about how to improve this site, go to the forums and let me know!
2/4/2007 - I finally got around to getting my forums back up and running. It only took about a few hours to get back up and running but it's finally done for now. Check it out.
12/05/2006 - After all the talk and comments and corpse gas I got from the bobandgeorge critics and others as well, (No offence.) I updated my sprites and gave my site a little makeover. Still haven't gotten around to my forums pages yet. Oh well.
8/24/2006 - I wanted people to actually comment on my comic so I added a forum section to my website. However I suffer the irony of post my website on other people's forums just to showcase my site. Yikes. I've also finally finished my website. For now anyways.
8/19/2006 - I started to think about show-casing my sprites on my webpage. You know, so people can see what characters I have in my comic. That and if anyone would like to use my sprites they're going to need to get permission from me first. Of course, I'm not listing the sprite sheets for my game characters. Just my custom characters will have the sprite sheets.

Credit for my comic: Sprites Inc.
Sprite credit goes out to: Ndraxian0, Deccus, and Son Goharotto
Cameo credit goes out to: Ndraxian0, BlackJack, and Silverfox, Inflames, Master Pelle, Radiet, Death2Angels-Maker, and Becky_Comix
Links around my site

Game Characters Custom Characters

Today's Comic Archives Forums
Video Game Tyrant