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Elsa \el' sa\ (n): Current workaholic at Epic in Madison, WI; graduated from the University of Chicago (2004).

This web page was originally created to celebrate one of Elsa's milestones: her 21st birthday. While it is long past Elsa's 21st birthday, this page will now be maintained as an ongoing dedication to

Elsa Korol

While updates are underway, please visit again and don't forget to sign the guest book below!

Some statistics:

Full Name:

Elsa Louise Korol

Also Known As:

Unhappy, Maine-iac, Drunky McDrunk Drunk, VB

Birthdate: May 31, 1982

Place of Birth: Maine

Her Proud Parents: Deborah and Bill

Her Brother: Wilson

Her Boys: Zeus and Brigham

Favorite Sports: Field Hockey, Crew

"Did You Know That Elsa..."

... Hates all bugs equally? ... Took one for the team over Spring Break 2002 when she finished off huge dishes of ice cream when three people were too full to eat anymore? Now that's team spirit! ... Can multi-task: She can flip someone off while in the boat and ON THE FEATHER! ... Is addicted to caffeine? Without it, she gets pretty delirious. ... Occasionally checks out her biceps while erging? ... Is a Rowing Geek? ( ... Was the captain of her high school Math Team? ... Likes the color pink?

The Early Years

Courtesy of Mr. & Mrs. Korol

The Many Faces of Elsa

If she can annihilate ice cream like this, imagine what she can do at the "Donut Sprints".

That's graceful.

Sexy tan lines.

Oh...THAT night.

Elsa & Friends

Since turning 21...

Elsa's last UofC race in Philadelphia, May 2004

The Face at the UofC Crew Banquet, 2004

Elsa and Montana (this is before the ride), 2005

Elsa and Montana (at the end of the ride)

Celebrating St. Patrick's Day 2006

Celebrating St. Patrick's Day 2006

The Tuffy Girls back in Chicago, 2006

Elsa vs. Mr Gobbles, 2006 (it was a tough fight, but in the end, Elsa won!)

In Chicago for the Holidays, 2006 (KP should be in this picture too, but I don't know how to PhotoShop her in!)

Don't forget to sign Elsa's Online 21st Birthday Card!!!

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This web page is created and maintained by Guami Bear and The Small One.

Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Korol for the blackmail material, friends for pictures, and Min Lu for assisting The Html-Handicapped Small One.

Updated March 27, 2007

Other Places You'll Find Elsa Online

University of Chicago Crew