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A Little Piece of Emily's Life

A Few Reasons My Life is Great:

"Well if you've got the poison then I've got the remedy...The tragedy is how you're gonna spend the rest of your nights with the light on, so shine the light on all of your friends, well it all amounts to nothing in the end. I won't worry my life away..." ~Jason Mraz

Thanks for visiting my page, and I hope you enjoy it (although it isn't much). It fits me though, a simple girl from New Jersey. If you don't like quotes or pictures, this won't be for you, because that's basically all this is.

Now some shoutouts:

Am- you're a wonderful sister, the best I could imagine. Sometimes we fight (especially over Ross-Ross!! hehe), but that's understandable, because when people spend as much time together as we do, they have to get on each other's nerves! Know that no matter what I say when I get upset, I love you and it's wonderful that I've had a best friend like you since the second I was born!

Andrew- you're a great brother, and I know you'll always be there for me if I need you. You can do anything you want to in life, just make up your mind and get working on it.

Quill- you're such an important person in my life now that I can't even begin to imagine what my life would be like if you hadn't joined choir that year and become my church buddy! Remember all the acronyms? And, Mrs. Mussina, What would I do without my wonderful Jewish grandmother that I didn't know I had?? But seriously, thanks for taking care of me through everything, and putting up with all my crazyness! You better stay in touch with me forever, and we're doing that trip to Europe some summer!

Matt- you're wonderful, and continually amaze me. I'm so glad that I met you, you've made me realize that dreams really can come true. I'm a very lucky girl (even though you do tease me incessantly and I never get to see you :-P), and i'm sorry for all the stuff i put you through (taking care of me when i'm gimped, making you dance, teasing, flirting, whatever). You have made my day every day for the past year and a half, and I know will continue to do so. Thanks for everything, words can't describe how I feel about you, but I think you know, and this begins:
"Crazy how it feels tonight, Crazy how you make it all alright love.
Crush me with the things you do, And I do for you anything too
And in this moment it feels so right.
I am at your feet, God I want you so badly.
And I wonder this, Could tomorrow be So wondrous as you there sleeping?
Am I right side up or upside down? And is this real or am I dreaming?
Lying under this spell you cast on me, Each moment the more I love you.
I will treat you sweetly. Adore you, I mean you crush me.
And it's times like these, When my faith I feel, And I know how I love you.
By love we'll beat back the pain we've found.
So much you have given love, That I would give you back again and again.
Oh my love, meaning I'll hold you
But please, please just let me always...."
-DMB “Crush”

Kate- i can't believe we've only known each other about a year now. how quickly you became so close to me. maybe it was through lots of time driving around blasting music. or maybe it was partying together. neither of us knows, but whatever it was, i'm glad it happened. we've been through a lot together in that short timespan, thank you for being there for me ALWAYS. i know that no matter what, if i need you, all i have to do is pick up the phone. i won't say more, you know what you mean to me.

Jeff- you are one of my favorite guys in the entire world, even though i sometimes get upset with you. that's just because you mean so much to me. i will always love spending any amount of time with you doing absolutely anything, whether it be you falling asleep, eating (indian food, sushi, ice cream, etc), you falling asleep, watching movies/tv (especially baseball, you're wrong, the yankees are better than the red sox!), you falling's always fun. you deserve so much out of life, and i want you to get it. the thing i want most is to see you happy. so don't work yourself too hard, and you always know you can call me to relax or have a good time. And remember, smile ;-).

Eric- the other Kutner, we've had fun times ever since we met in EMT class, even if you did dislike having to cart me home every night. you are the older brother i never had, that i spent my whole life wishing for. what is it about you and your brother that makes me enjoy spending time with you no matter what? i will never forget either of you. thank you for teaching me about tennis, life, and how to be a good person. i know i know, it's past my bedtime... :-D

Lemmo- thanks so much for befriending me when i first joined the squad, taking me everywhere and putting up with me, and always being there to take care of me and cheer me up! You're an awesome friend, and even though we don't get to hang out much anymore, I really value our friendship, because you're one of the nicest guys I've ever met.

All my church buddies- we have such a great time! Youth group is always a blast, even when we do the most boring things, because I'm with cool people like you! Mission trips, beach trips, bowling- all are great! NPC will always be a home to me!

All of my fellow squad members- you're all awesome, I found a second home when I joined in October 2002, and since then I have met so many wonderful people and had so many great experiences. No matter what we do, we have a great time, because we all like to have fun! After having waited for 4 years to join, I was not disappointed at all when my dream was finally realized, and that's saying a lot. You all mean much more to me than you realize, or than I say.

To everyone- there're too many people to name, but I'm sorry if I haven't and you feel I should have. I wish nothing but the best for all of you, because that's what you give me! Thanks for everything, I really appreciate it!

Here are links to the rest of my site:
Family and School friends:
Squad Pictures:

My Favorite Web Sites

Princeton First Aid and Rescue Squad website
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