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Erinn's Webpage

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Hello, my name is Erinn Bloomer and this is a site about me,and my Multimedia-Web 1 class! Click here to find out more about who I am, or click on my picture to do the same.

I must admit when it come to the internet I know very little, because I don’t surf the net all that much. But there are a few websites that I will definitely recommend. The first site is a great place to go if you are looking for a really fast search engine. The layout is very user friendly, and just plain easy to use. This is why I recommend The next site is also very user friendly, but is not a search engine. This site is an incredible online auction, and so with no further ado I introduce Both of these sites will help you whether you’re looking for some information, or a car.
Click on the pictures to go to the site!

Check Out Some Of My Great Projects!

In Multimedia-Web 1 class we rotated through many individual stations. Click here to check out my crazyprojects!

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Last Updated 9-16-05