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What's FrontPage about

FrontPage is a graphical HTML editor. HTML—HyperText Markup Language—is the "language" that creates Web pages. Rather than requiring you to learn HTML with all its <TITLE>, <FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF">, and <TD ALIGN="center" WIDTH="50%">types of tags, FrontPage allows you to work in a WYSI–A–WYG (What You See Is –Almost – What You Get) environment that feels a great deal like the Microsoft word processing application, Word.




Introduction to the World Wide Web







Figure 1-2:

 An illustration of the Internet network; the relationship between Web clients and servers. If   you're interested in using FrontPage, you've probably used the World Wide Web before. But like many Web users, you may not be exactly sure of how the Internet works, let alone know how to build and maintain your own Web site. The diagram above illustrates \how this vast network is connected. The table below is an overview of terms frequently used on the Web.












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