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Welcome To My World





The scene opens with Dirty-T backstage dressed in casual clothes. He sits on the couch in his locker room as if he is waiting on someone. All of a sudden the door opens, and a strange women walks in. She is of a petite figure with red hair and green eyes. She has the voluptuous figure of a model. Her stunning visage is a captivating sight in itself. She smiles at Dirty-T and begins to speak.

Woman: You wanted to see me?

Dirty-T smiles. The woman who appears seems to be his girlfriend. He rises to hug her, and then steps back.

Dirty-T: Hey babe, I did it. I am in the final four of this tournament. I knew I could do it, I just had to believe.

Woman: That’s what you brought me here to say, that you won? What am I supposed to do about it?

Dirty-T: Listen Audrey, I want you to know that I am doing all of this for you. Why do you think I called you for?

Audrey: I don’t know. I guess I am proud of you, but you need to focus on your next match.

Dirty-T: The whole two minutes I was in the ring, I was looking at you thinking, “I am doing this for you.” But enough of the sentimental shit, it’s time to focus on Apocalyptus.

Audrey: Well I got to go home. Bye. I love you.

Dirty-T: Alright, later.

She leaves the room and Dirty-T begins studying his opponent’s matches. He then begins to think to himself, and suddenly his friend Buster walks in the door.

Dirty-T: Hey man, what’s up?

Buster comes in and has a seat beside of Dirty-T on the couch and looks at the T.V. now to notice what Dirty-T is watching.

Buster: Not much. I see that you are studying your next opponent.

Dirty-T: Yeah, I sure do hope that I win and advance to face Sting in the finals. The man likes to talk a lot of trash, but he is not convincing me.

Buster: What do you mean?

Dirty-T takes his focus off of the match tape and looks into the eyes of Buster with a sarcastic smile.

Dirty-T: See, Sting wanted to face The Assassin, but it wasn’t happening. He said that wanted to face me now. It looks to me like he enjoys facing people whom he has already beaten. Well, he is yet to beat me.

Buster: But, aren’t you worried about Apocalyptus. He did destroy Shane Hunt.

Dirty-T: Is it really supposed to impress me that he defeated Shane Hunt? I am not impressed until he can prove to beat me.

Buster; Well, don’t be so certain.

Dirty-T looks confused at his friend’s comment. Buster now stands up with a grimacing smile on his face. It almost seems that the expression on his face is committing violence. Then, suddenly… the lights shut off. The apparent sounds of a struggle are heard, and then a scream.

Suddenly, after about one minute the lights come on. Dirty-T is seen standing there startled with his fists clinched.

Dirty-T: Shit, Buster. I didn’t mean to do it. What the fuck is wrong with you? You really think that you can beat my ass just because you turn the lights off and try to attack me.

Buster is now seen laying in the floor, seemingly motionless and clinging to something to help himself up. Dirty-T drags him into the hall and goes back into to his lockeroom and locks it, but he is not alone.

Dirty-T: Who the fuck are you? Do you people really think that you can keep me from winning this tournament? I don’t know who you are or how you got in here, so you better have some good news.

The man in the room stands about 5’8” tall. He approaches him as he now lowers the hood of his robe. He has receding white hair, green eyes, and has a menacing grin on his face. He doesn’t look that scary with the hood lowered, but his identity is still uncertain.

Unknown: I am here to help you. Do not worry how I got here, or why you never noticed there was a backdoor. My name is Agdon, I wish to train you.

Dirty-T: Are you sure? You aren’t gonna pull no crazy turn out the lights shit are you? (Looks down at Agdon) Well, I guess you pose no threat. What do you know about training people?

Agdon: I have watched you for quite some time, since your days at the kickboxing academy. Just let me help you, and you shall be well prepared for Apocalyptus. Agdon reaches a hand out to Dirty-T. Dirty-T seems reluctant after all that has happened. He looks back, and then shakes his hand. They begin to walk out the door. Agdon opens it as if to let Dirty-T lead the way. They exit the building, stepping over the still unconscious body of Buster. The scene then fades to black.
