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My Favorite things about Angelfire.

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Free Web Building Help
Angelfire HTML Library
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

Hiya all, welcome to Lol, I was just gonna say world, but its not a world, it’s a website! So yeah, on this website you’ll find webpage dolls (being the whole intention of this site…) and a few graphical kind of things, such as backgrounds and things, and I might even add some layouts and buttons and things on here if I ever feel like it. Oh another thing...I don’t have enough time in my day (Yes, I have a life, unlike some people) to update or do much on my site, so if you get sick of seeing the same old things and the same old layout, well that’s really your bad luck, so you can go and find another website to complain about. Also, only sign my guestbook if you have something intelligent to say. If otherwise, don’t even bother going into my guestbook. If your one of them people that absolutely love having awards on their websites, well I have made some especially for you. Ok, they’re really dodgy, but like I said...I don’t have enough time to make them any good. So if you don’t like them, don’t take them. Its quite simple. Well at least if you have the right amount of brain cells, its simple. Well now that I’ve got all that over and done with, I’ll bid you farewell. I hope you like my website, and please sign my guestbook on your way out if its not too much trouble. Chill! Heidi ->The Owner Of This Magnificent Website!<-