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Name : Ildon`Shade
Age : 23
Sex : Male
Height : 6'4"
Weight : 234 lbs
Hair : Black
Eyes : Grey
Race: DarkLunar
Job:Kamakazi Shogun Samuri
Ethics: Unkown
Level: V
Money: 3.50
-None Yet-
Element: Darkness
History:Ildon comes from a small town nothing to important thier.He was born color blind this being sometimes a handicap for young children.As years pased by he got more used to being color blind being able to see in the pitch dark an bright flashes of light never seemed to phase him.When he got older he dreamed of becomeing someone great makeing a name for himself an useing his disadvantige in life to do so.When he was 16 he went off to join the academy figureing it would help him on his path to greatness.He was kind of an outcast thier he didnt make alot of friends or really spoke he was all buisness wanting to learn all he could.While at the acedmy he learned how to use a sword he favord the light weight blades such as katana,masamune,and chinese straight sword for thier quick strike capabiltys.Later on he adapted to useing a metal claw on his free hand to follow up his attacks in a short range position.His time at the academy only one thing posed a problem for him and that was training for magic.Ildon wasent to magicly enclined oe in other words he didnt really like it.He picked up afew spells but thier really not a top priorty for him considering he likes physical combat more.He graduated from the academy an is now ready to make his mark in the world.Altho he may lack some feild experience but dont let that get to ya he is still a decent guy to have in your corner when ya need him or could be a worthy foe for the ones that dislike him.All in all he belives its his time to make a name for himself an become a ledgend.Now he has gained his family's sword from his brother torian an vows to bring honor to his family name with the blade an as well lead him to his place at the top.But for now his only real concern is being who he can infront of his brother torian.He dosent want torian to get his hopes up on him.His fuel to become great he gets from his brother.