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WeLL, ThiS iS my siTE... NotHinG mUch yEt, BuT I'm stiLL buiLdiNG soOoOo... sTay TunEd... -The Dark Jester NeWs: UpDatEd ThE FuNNy ShiT PagE, go LooK, LOOK!!!! (9/26/03)

StuFf thAt YoU shoULd cLiCK!!!

InsiDE My HeAd... (The JeSTer'S BiO...)
FuNNy shiT (YoU knOW you wAnT iT...)
ThE INgrOWn ToeNAil... (Not for the weak at heart...)
DarK JesTEr icONs (For AOL Instant Messenger)