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My Fanfiction Archive

If you write fanfiction of any type, please e-mail it to me at Also, let me know if you want to see a certain type of fanfiction on this site, because I would be happy to try to get it on here. If you are in need of immediate fanfiction (or games), please visit the links below. I also have a nifty little list of the pairings I like in fanfiction just in case you want to e-mail one to me. Image hosting by Photobucket I also like any kind of music, so if you have a favorite band you want me to listen to, I'll be happy to :)

UNWRITTEN (Natasha Bedingfield)

Video Code provided by VideoCodeZone.Com

What Ships (pairings) I Like (Harry Potter)- others are accepted

A Random List of Sites that I have so Graciously Compiled for YOU!!

Fanfiction of all types
Addicting games (and I mean it)
Specializes in fanfiction of a Harry Potter nature
The net... for Muggles!!
Games to play on your coffee break (if you have one)
The search engine for dummies
Ask Jeeves! (he's smarter than me)
I got a cool e-mail name on this one
Where I have my insanely boring blog
Stories (romance) about my favorite potions master
An on-line, interactive, role-playing game
You're on it
