Welcome to the Crystal Tears Contest page. Here you can find out about all the great contest that we are having right now. Also if you have any ideas for contests please feel free to state them on the guild board!
Donations: This is a good contests, because all the profits made here go towards buying great prizes for the guild! If you have any items that you want to put in the guild shop, then send them to cutestuff29. Who ever gives the most items at the end of the month wins the prize!
And the prize for this contest is:

Refering: This is the contest that will help the guild out the most! We need this contest so we can get our name out there and so we can get more members! All you have to do, is when you refer someone tell cutestuff29, and if the person joins, tell them to tell cutestuff29 that you refered them. It's that easy! Who ever has refered the most at the end of the month will win the prize!
Is the Prize for this Contest is:

The Baby Pic Contest: The last contest is probably the funniest and most easiest! I am going to post a picture of a baby, this baby is a famous person. If you think you know who the person is neomail cutestuff29. Who ever guesses right will win the prize.
And The Baby Pic Is:
The prize for this contest it:
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