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The weapons cannot be displayed

The weapons you are looking for are currently unavailable. They are of MASS DESTRUCTION, which the United States could not find.

  • Click the refresh.gif (82 bytes) Spontaneously Explode button, or try again in a million years.
  • If you typed the weapon's serial number in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled incorrectly.
  • To check your connection settings, click the Weapons menu, and then click Mass Destruction. On the Explosions tab, click Size. The settings should be as large as it will get, which is specified by your local area network (LAN) administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).
  • Some Bombs require Pin-point Laser beams. Click the Laser menu and then click Pin-point to determine what strength laser pin-pointing you have installed.
  • If you are trying to reach a secure terrorist training camp, make sure your Defense settings can support it. Click the Weapons menu, and then click Mass Destruction. On the Defense tab, scroll to the Security section and check settings for SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.
  • Click the Explode button to try another link.

Cannot find Weapons of Mass Destruction
Internet Explorer