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Size 18 and Loving It!


Protein rich foods help you feel fuller longer

BMI greater than 29.9 = Obese

My healthy weight range is 55 kgs- Um I dont think so...I'm 104kg at the moment at size 18 - 70 Kgs I was a size 12...

You can calculate your BMI by weight in kgs/height in metrs (squared) so I'm 105kg divided by 1.63 centimetres (squared) = 41.4 - Guess I'm OBESE

Eggs are great for you, and they make a filling meal


My 10 year old daughter says to me while pinching her skin, look no fat! What the hell is going on the world?
There is so much pressure to be thin.
I suffer from Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and let me tell you, its not great! I can grow a goatee if I tried, I pay 60 dollars for a leg wax only to have stubble there the next day. I have type two diabetes and I don't have a menstrual cycle anymore, which means no more kids...and I'm only 30.
All I have to do for all this to go away is lose weight, apparently. I put on 30 or 40 kg's in less than a year, for no reason whatsoever. I stopped having my period at 17, diagnosed with PCOS at 17 - Gained weight at 22...Hmmmm I'm tipping my PCOS is not caused by my weight in its entirety.
I am happy with the way I am - sure I would love to be able to walk into a shop without having to try about a million things on before I find something that fits and looks good, I would love not to have to pay 70.00 more for that top in the big girls store than little girls who can happily walk in walk out with their size 12-14's
I could be healthier of course, but couldn't we all. I'd like to be fitter. I know very large women who are extremely fit, flexible and moderately healthy...So why is there still this pressure to be thin.
Looking for my wedding dress over the last couple of months, has only made me more aware of the ideal weight and body shape..I say bollocks to that!! I have only just begun to be comfortable with my body shape, I am a great looking women with great looking curves and I will never again feel shame for that!
So this is my web site.
Dedicated to the Big and Beautiful Women out there who just want to be themselves.
I hope you all find it interesting and I don't bore you too much
Corpulently Yours



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