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Unreleaseed Darigan pics
Sorry It's been so long since I updated. Their are 3 reasons, Fist tsunamirider2002 isn't posting and I'm thinging if he shouldn't admin. Second We are getting an extreamly low amount of people and third Since the whole my brother froze my account thing i'm not sure If I should leave neopets or not so i'm working on a monster rpg game. Hey, it could be a CK online game. ok now If you looked at the battledome page you can find this

and if you add left or right and the poses you can get this.

That is the close attack image. if you mess with the url you can find rangedattack and all of that but there is no beaten image. (Credit goes to PPT for the Lord darigan battledome pics)
Posted Friday 18th April, 2003 by monstermaster

Mummy Maze and a guessed reason why.
The game "Mummy Maze" has been taken off and neopets didn't tell anyone about it. I'm not sure why but I have a feeling it is for the new game "Wadjets and Ladders" that's on the Coming soon part of the world page.
Posted Tuesday 8th April, 2003 by monstermaster

New Neopet?
For Everyone who doesn't read the editorial, there was a question, "Will you be releasing any new neopets soon?
Yes, it has been a while since the last new pet so it is about time we released a new one." So it is Very likely that there will be a new neopet soon
Posted Monday 7th April, 2003 by monstermaster

Do you want to join CK?
Hi everyone, do you want to join CK and you know advanced HTML, well in the Future (I bet it will be in about 2 more days) You will Be able to join. I am jus having some minor problems with the popup script. I am making a popupm ad for you to click to tell me about you. you will start as a moderator (You will post through admins) then when we can trust you, will will make you an admin. So start making your Message to send me so you can join.
Posted Monday 7th April, 2003 by monstermaster

I am going to advertise CK in my guild and any one else can too.
Posted Monday 7th April, 2003 by tsunamirider2002

I am the co-web master.... and this is my first post
Posted Sunday 6th April, 2003 by tsunamirider2002

The First post ever made
Hello Members, I'm getting used to the news posting method so this is officially the first post.
Posted Saturday 5th April, 2003 by monstermaster