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Columbian Hash House Harriers

Welcome to the Columbian HashHouseHarriers -- Columbia, South Carolina.  We run twice a month, usually the first and third Sundays, 3:00 winters and 5:00 during daylight savings time. 

Virgins and visiting Hashers are welcome. The lays are usually 3-6 miles, with enough checks to give the FRBs plenty to do while keeping them in sight.  Most of the runs are urban/suburban, but you'd be surprised how much shiggy we can find in the middle of town.  We've forded the Congaree River, crept through storm drains, seen the backs of more stores and shopping centers than the garbage trucks do, been through the mall in drag ... oh, did I mention the Red Dress Run?  Every October, same weekend as the Governor's Cup, and everyone has to wear a red dress.  Mine came from Goodwill, and looks it.  

We're as disorganized as you'd expect of a bunch of Hashers, but we usually manage to get the beer to the down-downs. 

Runs will be announced here and in the Weekend Section of The State paper - look for Outdoor:Walking/Running


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Hare! Wanna Try Hashing?
Join us on a run sometime! A small fee is collected at each run to pay for beer, chalk, and flour, usually $5 per person. Virgins (first timers) are free. Runs are generally 3 to 4 miles in length. You do not have to be in good physical shape as long as you can hold a glass. All are welcome and please feel free to bring a friend -- especially one you don't like.

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