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Can you believe it?! The blonde figured it out!

Hello hello everyone! You dont know what i had to go through to get this page up! I searched all over the internet to try and find out about how HTML works and then i asked my brother and he just gave me a book, and explained the whole book before i even got to the second chapter. I LOVE MY BROTHER! haha. Anywayz, as most of you have noticed.....I havent had a profile up from my Buddy Profile, Well, thats cuz it screwed up horribly, i got fed up with it, and decided just to make up a web site. Easier said than done! But i finally got it. Whoopteedo!

so anywayz, im still trying to figure out how to do what i want to in here, but everything will work out soon enough, check back l8er! Love you all! ~~~D