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Chyna vs Candice Michelle for Womens Championship in PWA

The 9th Wonder of the world || Chyna || Playboy Centerfold

Scene: Chyna has debuted a while ago and had three matches so far. She loss all three so now what is Chyna going to do? She can run and hide but will a true winner and champ do that? I dont think so. What the ninth wonder of the world will do is fight Candice Michelle for the third time. This is the second time going one on one with Candice. It might be non title but next time I face Candice and yes I will face her again. It befor the womens title. This will happen after I beat that playboy covergirl tonight and beat her pretty face to the ground. Wont you people hate that? Well what if I got destroy like she will be tonight? What are you guys going to say about that? I bet nothing because you the people dont know what good looks are and toughness. Yet you think Candice Michelle has that? If you do, you have no taste in tallent and I know what you guys are going to said. You going to say that how does no one with no tallent beat you? Well I dont know what happen but now its differnt. Thats because the old crazy Chyna you guys love is back. Now you must be asking your self, "Should I be scared?" Thats not the question. The real question should be "How can you not be scared?" I know I am just thinking about the stuff I can do and you guys have no idea whats coming to you.

*Chyna theme song, "Im not a man, not yet a woman" hits over the pa system. Chyna comes out walking to the top of the ramp with her bozooka. She shoots flames to the left and then the right. The fans are going crazy for the bozooka.

JR: This is weird. It seems like the fans like the bozooka more then they like Chyna herself. Chyna seems pretty angry about this too.

King: Yea. I never seen Chyna mad like this before.

*Chyna sets down the bozooka and thens heads to the announcer table. Chyna grabs the mic and says to stop the music.

Chyna: So I get it, you guys love my bozooka huh?

:croud cheers:

Well I love it too. Its my best friend. Almost one of the family. I am going to hate me doing this later but the bozooka needs to go. I want you the fans to cheer for me and only for me. Not just because you think my friend is awesome. Also its always good for a change and this isnt WWF. This is the next step to my career and that is PWA. So this is what I will do. Just watch if intersed.

*Chyna walks up to the bozooka and throws it off the ramp*

Chyna: There. Its history and so im going to go down there to the ring right now and make some new history.

*Chyna starts walking down the ramp*

Chyna: You know my opponent, Candice Michelle showed everybody a video clip of things that happen in PWA that she acheive. Thats what I will do except a video clip when I was in WWF.

:croud boos: Hey! Its my not my fault alright? I wasnt in PWA long enough to have memories here. So shut up!

:Croud chanting, you suck:

Ok so what if I suck to you guys. I dont care what you said or think of me because I have my true fans out there. They count on me to put out one hell of a show and thats exactly what im going to do at this upcoming ppv. I am sick of fighting against Candice but god, I have to beat her. Im surprise how good she is now and it really hard to surprise me. Still though I believe I can do this and im going to let my old spirit come back that I had from WWF. Yea I can feel what everyone is thinking in this arena. You are all thinking that it wont happen because you dont want it too. I can see the expression on everyone faces that your scared. Everyone here that watch WWF loved my mean streak and how I dont take shit from anybody. Now why you dont want that Chyna to come back for a little visit cuz your scared for Candice Michelle. Well you should be because im not going anyway. You might hate it Candice but I wont rest until I destroy you and your play boy magazine.

:Chyna having a mad look on her face and saying that in a mean deep voice:

Oh and when I meenrest, I meen not eat or sleep until I finish the job. Thats a promise for the people that hate or like me and for Candice Michelle. So why dont I show you all a clip on why you should trust me on my promise.

:Chyna points to the scene and is showing a clip of her best memories in the pass time. It shows Chyna from back then beating some of the best. For instance, Triple H, Mick Foley, Jeff Jarret, and many others. Also her winning the womens championship a couple times. Then for the first time a diva has ever won, it was the intercontinal title that she took from Jarret. Now it said after its done showing the clip, Chyna is the best diva to ever live. Impressed yet?

:croud boos:

So what did you really think? Aw it doesnt matter what you think. It matters what I think and I know im the best diva. I meen I would think that I proven that to you that I am by that clip I showed you. I had so many titles and I didnt just beat women. I beaten men too. Have you ever did that Candice? I think not so I guess I rest my case.

:Chyna smile a evil grin and laughs. Shes not blinking while staring through the TV:

JR: Wow. What powerful words that came out of Chyna mouth and just look at that look on her face.

King: I know. Im telling you JR. Candice brung a whole new side of Chyna. Thats for sure.

*Chyna, the ninth wonder of the world, music hits again. She drops the mic and the croud is booing and some is cheering. Chyna just keeps smiling not even caring and steps out of the ring and then starts walking up the ramp. She stops to the top and raises her arms up in the air. Fireworks went off behind her.

King: Woah. That almost knock you off of you seat JR: (Laughs)

Now Chyna is backstage where all the glory happens other then the ring. Chyna went to her locker room thats to the left and following her is none other then, Lilian Garcia.*

Lilian Garcia: Hi Chyna. I see you might be busy but whats going on? I know your talk just happen, its just though everyone already wants to know whats going on with you? Is the old spirit back?

Chyna: Who told you to ask me that?

Lilian Garcia: Uh the boss.

Chyna: I see. Well you tell the boss and all these fans that im going to leave right now. I will be back though for my big match that I have tonight. Also you dont want to see the old spirit. Forget the old spirit, its happening already. Theres nothing you can do about it too. So I guess you can thank Candice for this cuz IM BACK and glad to be back. She made me see where I stand and at the end of the night, I be standing on your body Candice Michelle! Candice I see you tonight and I will be the Womens Championship in PWA. You can count on that.

:Chyna opens her locker room and slams the door shut:

Lilian Garcia: Well I guess Chyna will be leaving in a few minutes but not me standing by her door im sure. So stay tune and dont go anywhere. We have lots of action up next.

: Sceen Fades Black: