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Caroline's Chronicles of Chaos

I remember a particular trip of mine to the Gold Coast. At that time, just standing on the beach looking out at the magnitude of God's creation just took my breath away. It was dusk and a cloudy day, and ahead in the ocean's horizon, there was a streak of sunlight peeping through the clouds and where that ray of setting sun hit the waters, the waters beneath sparkled as though there were deep hidden treasures beneath just bursting to be discovered by adventurers. At that time, it seemed the world was just like that particular section of water, glimmering with untold treasures beaneath.

I suddenly thought of that scene again today, something I did not even know I committed to memory and I realised something. With every situation we face, there has to be a horizon for us to look forward to in order for us to forge with the pursuit. The magnitude of the ocean gave me a bewildered feeling of how gargantuan the ocean really was when I was just a dot in the midst of it. It was the ray of light at the horizon that fostered hope, it made me look forward to edging closer to the ocean's horizon to unveil the treasures.

Perhaps having a horizon is all we need sometimes, even if the journey towards the horizon will take forever.

22 April 2003, Tuesday

"Paradise isnt a place you can look for or pay to create. Its how you feel in a moment of your life when you are part of something which,for reasons unknown, just clicks"

My Precious
