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Chris Valentine's Messages
Happy Valentine's Day Chris!


Just a few messages from your lovely followers/supporters/fans to say Happy Valentine's Day!

Lots of love,
Shell xxx


Happy Valentines Day! I don't love you, but hey ho don't want this website being empty so thought i'd contribute anyway! Also as i doubt i'll be getting any valentines day cards this year... ahhhhhhhh... i wouldn't want to inflict the same pain on you.

Anyway, maybe if you were ginger and barely legal i would love you, oh well sh*t happens.

Have a good one.

H x

Hi Chris

Hope you have a fan-dabi-dozi Valentines Day!

Lots of love



Happy Valentines Day Chris ...

Not actually sure what Valentines Day is? But I guess you're lucky getting all these lovely people wishing you a happy one?!

Love Vicki. x

To Chris!

Happy Valentines day you sexy beast you!

Miss you lots but will see you soon at Popshow!!

Lots of love, hugs and drumstick lollies!

Laura x x x :-)


jus wana say happy valentines day and have a great day however you spend it and u no if ur needn' sum1 to take out, and just cant decide who, put me at the top of ur list......ull not be disappointed ;-)

Gemma (chris'_gem) xo

Dear Chris!

Happy Valenties day to you, your voice.. and your veg-ee-tables (and your sims of course) :P Hope you have a love filled day!...

In true Valentines day tradition, I have wrote a poem especially for you....

Roses are red Voilets are blue Some poems rhyme Aparently this one doesn't....

Yeah so I can't write poems, but this is they do say its the thought that counts, and I did think about it soooo! Anyway, you know we all love you so much we decided against the effort of going and buying a card, but hey, a website is sooo much kooler, and much more this century! ;) Only sexual people get those! ;)

Anyways, I'll stop wasting webspace, and shut up now..

Love ya lots, with jelly tots....on top.

Signed, Anonymous
(I'll sign it anonymous so Chris thinks he's got a secret admirer ;) ...only joking.)
All my love, big hugs..
Ashley G

Dearest Chris,

Happy Valentines Day you cheeky little monkey.Hope you get lots of cards(why shouldn't you...obviously!)and lots of heart shaped chocolate and other valentines related whips etc.Have fun and see you soon!I shall be all glammed up again...hope you're ready haha!

Love and big fat hugs,

Cher xxx


Happy Valentine's Day!

Love Emma xxx

(Note: Emma wanted me to write something very amusing for her as she's stuck in work. But as I'm not amusing this is what you get!Shell x)


Happy Valentine's Day!

Love Lou xxx