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Welcome To Various Things My Friends Have Said, The Web Page

These Are Various Things My Friends Have Said That I Found Funny Enough To Add To My Profile:

Steve Haley: “I bet Windows Media Player looks really cool when you’re stoned.”

Blake Ponist: “You must have been bored out of your mind to think of something like that, Chris.”

Steve Haley: “I am Ritalin-less!”

Theron Parham: “Howzit goin witha ladeez?” (Note: Yes my friends, this is the man who started it all.)

Jack Handey: “My goal in life is to live forever, so far so good.”

Anonymous: “Remember, no matter how much you protest the war, Osama Bin Laden and Sadam Hussein will still consider you an infidel and will not get United Nations approval before trying to kill you.”

Me: “Starkist is great, you can really taste the dolphin.”

Jacqueline Oles: “Happiness is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you feel the warmth.”


Note: I used to have this in my profile itself but that got too big to fit.  If you do not want your name said on this list, please email me at  Thanx and have a pleasant tomorrow.