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HA mØkArt is SO definitely not over....production on mØkArt has just been......."put on hold" don't fret dear mØkArt fans......this is just the beginning......I have lost ALL mØkArt info, including lyrics, track listing, the stories of sickness, biographies, pics, the greater powers of the grown-up fucks......but that doesn't matter......I will remember everything and mØkArt WILL live on.......


Links   ||   Biographies          Hit Counter


Track Listing:

Track 01 - Intro
Track 02 - ACG
Track 03 - Mother Øf Krist
Track 04 - Noise Intermission
Track 05 - Utensil Warfare
Track 06 - Lucifer's Fetish
Track 07 - poo penetration
Track 08 - cop inter
Track 09 - fuck you
Track 10 - jugular slit
Track 11 - spinal cord dismember
Track 12 - hack the decapitated fetus
Track 13 - stupid fucking bitch
Track 14 - agbalalalalala jihad
Track 15 - kamikaze germs
Track 16 - chitsu massacre
Track 17 - gghbt
Track 18 - nostril pleasure
Track 19 -
Track 20 - 
Track 21 -
Track 22 - D.A.R.E.
Track 23 - Mushroom Ecstasy
Track 24 - Sniffin' Coke