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~Scene 1~
Cassandra Clark sits in a plush black leather easy chair.With a flick of her lighter, she fires up a cigarette, and takes a long drag.Exhaling the bluish-grey tendril of smoke she addresses the camera, and subsequently the ACW.

Cassie:"So this is where the fates decided my journey would begin. The ACW....this should prove a most interesting time in my life.One that when I am long retired, will proudly tell my grandkids."

Cassie leans back, and takes another drag of the taboo tobacco.

Cassie:"As the only woman in ACW...who'll mix it up in the ring.I suppose that puts me in a familiar territory.Joanie Laurer would whine that they would keep women down.Of course Laurer would whine about most anything.I don't really see my gender as a handicap at all. Really considering that I am ranked the # 1 competitive martial artist in the world. I don't need to lean on a crutch to get by."

Cassie smokes for a few seconds in silence.

Cassie:"Of course I too understand that men can be most proud creatures.Sometimes they really do fall back on the antiquated beliefs of who, and what a woman should be.I am sure there will be those who'd try to teach me a lesson persay...but I am ok with that. I have to teach them in turn. But I will not just gab it up.Words mean nothing in this line of work. Only actions earn you the respect, you would crave. And so through my fighting prowess...I will earn the respect from my peers.See you in that ring soon ACW."

Cassie flicks the cigarette down to the ground, and with her leather booted toe, snuffs it out.