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hEy hEY itS cRis..weLL im TRyin to fiX my fuckIn sITe sinCE aLEx fuckED it up!!!yEA thaNX!!n IF u donT kno ME im CHristIne akA cRIs oR chRisTY... im 15** finALLy** rePreStIn dA 3 o pHIVE souF miAMi hEIGhts!! iM a sOPhmoRE @ rEef... iM in IB**inTerNAtioNal bALLer** i pLAy socCER **JV** dEFeNsE baBY!! ((#6)) i wanna GivE a fEW shouT ouTS.. 2 aSH!! thaNX for dA eNcouRaGEment!! in SoCCEr n in EVERythiNg ELSE!! linK thAnx for stiCKin bY me throuGH all DA drAMA! n for worDS of wisEdoM*faGO*!!iloVE u !! n doNT forGET ur aN aweSom guy n sUm dAY i FinD u a hoE!!:oP!! mWA!n mARi grL i HaVe aloT of reSpECt 4 u N u knO it!! thaNX foR alwaYs haVin mY baK through fuckiN eVERYthin!! mAd loVE cRis

mUh giRls
mUh boiiz
linKi winKi
muH boiiS 2
shoUtz outZ