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Origin of Insanity 2 (1 died)

Hello and welcome to this nightmare.

The image above is the first picture I made. It came out very well. Yay.

Stupid Crono. Getting eaten by a cat must suck. By the way, the word is actually cat. There are no typos. Ever. The font I always use is stupid and it should die.

It says: Resistance is Futile We're doomed. Doomed I tell you!

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's DOBOLAS! HAHAHAHAHA! LAUGH DARN YOU! LAUGH! ...I made this picture to piss off my Tolkie friends. I didn't really try to make it as good as the other pictures. I only made it to cause anger. In fact, if I don't put up a new picture within the month a Tolkie hunted me down and killed me with a stapler. Yeah...a stapler.

I really enjoyed creating this. *nods*


Oy. Great fun here.

You really shouldn't be suprised by now...

What would you people do without these fine Public Service Announcements I create?

Back by popular demand.

Anyways... PROJECTS: 1. Slayers 2. Aragorn The Penguin 3. Hide From Twiggy So She Doesn't Stab Me In The Head For That Last One There

Most of the writing on this website it worthless junk. 83.562% will be written before I pass out for five hours and then go to school. It makes me sad. None of it can even compare to my best stories...oh so long ago...uh...about a month.......good times for Strong Bad-I mean Lindsey...good times...

Send me some stupid questions so I can answer them. The Ask Lindsey section must live!

I'm still writing.

And you're still reading.

Okay, that's enough.

You can stop reading now.

I said enough reading!

Just had to read this, didn't you?

The Awesome Dictator Penguin