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Weber Carby 32/36 AGV install No.2 on to the EA-81 engine.

Actually in Australia, the Holley G180 is a licensed version of the Weber 32/36 and is fitted to 2 litre Ford Escorts and Cortinas.

No.1 install is here:
No.3 install is here:

Parts needed:
* Weber 36/32 carb
* Carby adapter plate for EA-71/Ea-81.
* Usual assortment of tools

I searched ebay and found a local bloke in Queensland who had an online shop whom sold difference carby's and after asking even went searching and got me an adapter plate for the carby for the EA81. This adapter plate was made to be universal on all EA71, EA81 and EA82 engines. I just needed to drill out two blanks to make them fit which I did this arvo with a 6mm drill bit and my electric hand drill. First off, I painted the top cover a nice deep dark rich red. Had nothing else to do.
Then I sat and read in me manual all about the vapor, fuel and vacuum lines. Then I went and counted then. 17 all up!! 9 on the Hitachi carb, and 6 lines that go to the air filter. 17! And the Weber uses 3. Looks like some mods are needed.

Six weeks later:
Got home from work at 8:45pm on the 12th October 2006. There was nothing on television and was a bloody warm night. So why not have a crack at this.

Original air filter removed

Carb removed and removing studs

Mounting adapter plate - Lock-tite gasket sealer. Great stuff.
If I had a dremel drill, I'd remove one or two mm around the inner
holes of the manifold and the adapter plate. Maybe one day...

Adapter plate on

Studs un-screwed, lock-tite applied on threads of studs

Remove cable doovey mount off Hitachi carby

This carby's primary and secondary plates work 180
degrees around the other way as all other weber carbys
setup's that I've seen. Weird indeed!
I cant flip the entire carby around 180 degrees, coz
the accelerator cable isn't long enough and I
haven't got a longer one --- cant be bothered going to
the wreckers yet, so I'll see if this works.
By modifying the cable doovey mount so that it operaters
backwards and upside-down. Might work... Lets see. Cut the side off first.

Modified it a bit more; Needed to swap the end where the accelerator cable connects
to the plate. Cut one side off, and basically made a new one at the other end.

Grab weber carby, rip off original accelerator bracket

Chuck Hitachi bracket on to weber (this is tempory!)

and mount carby on to manifold.

Check out them vacuum, vapor and fuel lines.
1992 EA-81 engine. What the freak!

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Updated: 15/oct/2006.