Kristina Ann Lane

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Nature's Heart

  • Full of love
  • Slowly grown to perfection
  • Seen bad days and good

Some Quotes Maybe Youll Like

  • The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.

  • Things without remedy, should be without regard; what is done, is done.

  • Today I begin to understand what love must be, if it exists. When we are parted, we each feel the lack of the other half of ourselves. We are incomplete like a book in two volumes of which the first has been lost. That is what I imagine love to be: incompleteness in absence.

  • There's nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman. It's a thing no married man knows anything about.

    ~Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) Irish poet and dramatist.

  • It is impossible to go through life without trust: that is to be imprisoned in the worst cell of all, oneself.

    ~Graham Greene (1904-1991) English writer.

  • Mother Nature is a harsh mistress: weakness and mistakes are immediately followed by severe crippling wounds. If Mother Nature, the ultimate teacher, never forgives her children's shortcomings, what would come of the world?

  • There is so much bad in the best of us

    and so much good in the worst of us

    that it doesn't behoove any of us

    to talk about the rest of us.


    I Cant Help It

  • With a little time, and a little more insight, we begin to see both ourselves and our enemies in humbler profiles.

    We are not really as innocent as we felt when we were first hurt.

    And we do not usually have a gigantic monster to forgive;

    we have a weak, needy, and somewhat stupid human being.

    When you see your enemy and yourself in the weakness and silliness of the humanity you share,

    you will make the miracle of forgiving a little easier.

    ~ Lewis B. Smedes.

  • I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.

    ~James Baldwin.

  • I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive.

    Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note - torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one.

    ~Henry Ward Beecher.

    If Im Still In Love With You

  • We attach our feelings to the moment when we were hurt, endowing it with immortality.

    And we let it assault us every time it comes to mind.

    It travels with us, sleeps with us, hovers over us while we make love, and broods over us while we die.

    Our hate does not even have the decency to die when those we hate die -- for it is a parasite sucking OUR blood, not theirs.

    There is only one remedy for it [forgiveness].

    ~Lewis B. Smedes.

Why Give Up On Somethin We Faught So Hard To Get

We must go forward, knowing what the past has brought us. The past is what we learn from, not forgetting what it taught us!

Did we really learn enough, from all of our mistakes? It's obvious we're taking a chance, no matter what it takes. We'll need to talk more, that's one thing it will take. We'll have to work things out, because everything's at stake.

The road ahead is rough, good and bad times will be. We'll go through it together, our love was meant to be. Life is what we make of it, not knowing what it brings. It comes and goes very fast, even sad sad things.

A time will come in our lives, when we are old and gray. We'll remember the good times, with each passing day. When this day comes, I promise you will see. We made it together, just you and me.

I will show you tears of joy, not sadness when you cry. One day we will ask the question, was it really worth the chance? The answer comes from the heart, at least we gave it a chance!

This journey we are taking, is only for you and me. A true reflection of our love, for everyone to see! I hope and pray that you can see, all that you mean to me.

Let's start our new journey, forgive all of our pasts. Our love is worth more, so let's make it last. I want to say one last thing. Whatever happens don't forget, my Love for you is true!