Beyond the Lost Horizon

Full Seventh Draft


Part One: The Raven
Chapter One: A Fateful Meeting
Chapter Two: The Sorcerer and the Princess
Chapter Three: "Follow the Raven"
Chapter Four: The First Night
Chapter Five: The City of Water
Chapter Six: The Messenger
Chapter Seven: Secrets
Chapter Eight: The Road Southward
Chapter Nine: Diary
Chapter Ten: "The Bestest Bounty Hunter in the Whole Wide World"
Chapter Eleven: A New Companion
Chapter Twelve: Starfall Mountain
Chapter Thirteen: The Broken Tower
Chapter Fourteen: The Seal Breaks
Chapter Fifteen: The Harkers Strike Back
Chapter Sixteen: Old Enemies

Part Two: The Witch
Chapter One: The Heretic's Curse
Chapter Two: Enter the Efeminately Evil Sorcerer
Chapter Three: A Glass of Wine
Chapter Four: The Great Escape
Chapter Five: Under the Starry Sky
Chapter Six: Shadows in the Moonless Night
Chapter Seven: Captured
Chapter Eight: Behindred's War
Chapter Nine: The Witch of the North
Chapter Ten: Torments of a Heretic
Chapter Eleven: The Last Archangel
Chapter Twelve: Sword of a God
Chapter Thirteen: Leavetakings
Chapter Fourteen: The Cursed City
Chapter Fifteen: Flight from the Cursed
Chapter Sixteen: The Cleansing of Merkabah

Part Three: The Chosen
Chapter One: Aftermath
Chapter Two: Phantoms of Akashei
Chapter Three: Flight Through the Ruins
Chapter Four: The Angel of Death
Chapter Five: Behindred's Revenge
Chapter Six: The Plain Truth
Chapter Seven: Prince of Demons
Chapter Eight: Renewed Hope
Chapter Nine: Storm and Fire
Chapter Ten: The Clash of Steel
Chapter Eleven: The Dark Altar
Chapter Twelve: Unfulfilled Destiny
Chapter Thirteen: Come What May
Chapter Fourteen: Fallen Angels
Chapter Fifteen: Escape From Arcanis
Chapter Sixteen: Awakening
Chapter Seventeen: The Never Ending Tomorrow


Length: 195,099 Words

Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved

Book Two
The Ark of Zarathustra

Full First Draft

First Draft Length: 294,563 Words

Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved

This is only the first draft of this story. There are many spelling, grammar and continuity errors, and you may find a lot of areas of the story lacking for decriptions, explanations, suspense and excitement etc, as well as a lot of superfluous junk that needs to be cut away. This is because this is a work in progress. This is like building a house. This first draft is the framework that the walls, floors and ceiling will be built upon. The walls cannot be put up without the framwork, nor the ceilings without the walls. Over a process of several drafts I will build upon this framework, filling in gaps, smoothing over rough patches, and making it all look pretty. For now, though, it's a disaster area that should be tred through lightly. Many of the characters do not act like themselves yet, or speak in their specified manners, and there are many, many, many other errors that will be seen to in later drafts.

Book Three
The Eternal Chain

This story has not yet been written. Look for it at a later date.

Other Projects


Prologue - Draft 4

Part One: Exile's Moon
Chapter 1: The Exile - Draft 4
Chapter 2: Blood and Fire - Draft 4
Chapter 3: Passing the Curse - Draft 4
Chapter 4: Watcher in the Shadows - Draft 4

Part Two: Hidden Valley
Chapter 5: The Fayt and the Heretic - Draft 4
Chapter 6: Returning Home - Draft 4
Chapter 7: Hope - Draft 4
Chapter 8: The Boarder - Draft 4
Chapter 9: News - Draft 4
Chapter 10: The Plan - Draft 4
Chapter 11: Questions - Draft 4
Chapter 12: Wolf and Village Thatcher - Draft 4
Chapter 13: Betrayal - Draft 4
Chapter 14: The Tragedy of Marael - Draft 4
Chapter 15: Lilia's Secret - Draft 4
Chapter 16: About Maps and Heretics - Draft 4
Chapter 17: The Tail of Silmera - Draft 4
Chapter 18: Woodland Trek - Draft 4
Chapter 19: Duel of Heretics - Draft 4
Chapter 20: The Last Wizard - Draft 4
Chapter 21: Of Curses and Obligations - Draft 4
Chapter 22: A Wizard's Worth - Draft 4
Chapter 23: Protecting Our Own - Draft 4
Chapter 24: Never Alone - Draft 4

Part Three: Exiled
Chapter 25: Life Goes On - Draft 4
Chapter 26: A Healing - Draft 4
Chapter 27: The Price of Doing What is Right - Draft 4
Chapter 28: Attack in the Night - Draft 4
Chapter 29: Conversations with the Dark Lord - Draft 4
Chapter 30: Faytslayer - Draft 4
Chapter 31: Banishment - Draft 4
Chapter 32: Memories of the Blue Moon - Draft 4
Chapter 33: Recovery - Draft 4
Chapter 34: Malcolm Meets his Fayt - Draft 4

Part Four: Transfiguration
Chapter 35: Duty, Honor and Obligation - Draft 4
Chapter 36: Becoming the Enemy - Draft 4
Chapter 37: Blackmail - Draft 4
Chapter 38: The Painful Truth - Draft 4
Chapter 39: Traitor - Draft 4
Chapter 40: The Oracle - Draft 4
Chapter 41: The World Between Worlds - Draft 4
Chapter 42: Choices - Draft 4
Chapter 43: Taken - Draft 4
Chapter 44: Plots - Draft 4

Part Five: Destiny
Chapter 45: Council of War - Draft 4
Chapter 46: One King to Rule them All - Draft 4
Chapter 47: The Reforged Sword - Draft 4
Chapter 48: The Bloody Crest - Draft 4
Chapter 49: Nightfall - Draft 4
Chapter 50: The Battle of Nothengard - Draft 4
Chapter 51: The End of the Samirreh - Draft 4
Chapter 52: Under the Demon's Eye - Draft 4
Chapter 53: A Clash of God's and Monsters - Draft 4
Chapter 54: Even Legends Die - Draft 4
Chapter 55: A Life for a Life - Draft 4

Epilogue - Draft 4

Full First Draft Full Fourth Draft

This is the fourth draft of Exile. With this draft I've gotten to the point that there is nothing else that needs to be added to the story, and all that remains is to clean up the language, and cut down the word count as much as possible. You could consider this the closest thing to the completed final draft that you're going to get.

Fourth Draft Word Count: 335,286 words

Copyright 2011 all rights reserved

Spires of Infinity

Full First Draft

Prologue - Draft 2
Chapter 1: A Second Chance - Draft 2
Chapter 2: The Apostle is Born - Draft 2
Chapter 3: As Little as Possible - Draft 2
Chapter 4: Holston - Draft 2
Chapter 5: The Wolf and the Cat - Draft 2
Chapter 6: Old Gods - Draft 2
Chapter 7: The World Tower - Draft 2
Chapter 8: Tears of the Goddess - Draft 2
Chapter 9: Half Night - Draft 2
Chapter 10: Teven and Altima - Draft 2
Chapter 11: Ruin - Draft 2
Chapter 12: The Fall of Alkazier - Draft 2
Chapter 13: The Empire Strikes Preemptively - Draft 2
Chapter 14: Children of the Chosen - Draft 2
Chapter 15: World of Conformity - Draft 2
Chapter 16: Identity Crisis - Draft 2
Chapter 17: Frustration - Draft 2
Chapter 18: Control - Draft 2
Chapter 19: Taking the Citadel - Draft 2
Chapter 20: A Lawyer and a Talking Cat Walk into a Bar - Draft 2
Chapter 21: The Haven - Draft 2
Chapter 22: The Chosen One - Draft 2
Chapter 23: Initiative Six Six Six - Draft 2
Chapter 24: On the edge - Draft 2
Chapter 25: Recovery - Draft 2
Chapter 26: The Distorted Lands - Draft 2
Chapter 27: The Apostle Comes - Draft 2
Chapter 28: The Spires of Infinity - Draft 2
Chapter 29: The Dying Sun - Draft 2
Chapter 30: The Impossible Problem - Draft 2
Chapter 31: "You Have What it Takes" - Draft 2
Chapter 32: The Impossible Solution - Draft 2
Chapter 33: Reinforcements - Draft 2
Chapter 34: Gate Jump - Draft 2
Chapter 35: Unexpected Rescue - Draft 2
Chapter 36: Questioning - Draft 2
Chapter 37: The Sin of Mercy - Draft 2
Chapter 38: The Apostle's Resolve - Draft 2
Chapter 39: Firefight - Draft 2
Chapter 40: The Containment Area - Draft 2
Chapter 41: Sacrifice - Draft 2
Chapter 42: The Reason Some are Chosen - Draft 2
Chapter 43: Redemption - Draft 2
Chapter 44: Betrayal - Draft 2
Chapter 45: The Battle of the Spires - Draft 2
Chapter 46: Paradox - Draft 2
Epilogue - Draft 2

First Draft Length: 166,829 Words
Second Draft Length: 134,835 Words

This story is copyrighted, I will destroy anyone that uses it without permission.

All files are in Microsoft Word format. Right click and choose "Save As" to save to your hard drive, or click the link to read online.

All materials on this webpage are protected under Copyright and I have irrefutable proof of ownership if I have to sue you over stealing them, which I WILL if you are stupid enough to do so. Therefore, TOUCH AND DIIIIIIIIIE BEOTCHES BWAAHAAHAA

Feel free to e-mail me at but be warned, I only check my e-mail like once a week so you may not get an answer back immediately. Feedback is always welcome. I won't hunt you down and kill you if you tell me my story sucks, though it would be nice to know WHY you think it sucks so I can possibly fix it.

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