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Go WheRe??
x HeAr HoMer!
x TuPAc
x HaPPy BuNNy!
x ThE PeePeR
x BaNg x3
x ReTarDed BK!
x AnA's DiArY KuZ aNa's a GeeK!
AbouT Me
Ana LiXe:
FuNNY PeoPLe, HoMeR siMpsOn, Fire, MatCheS, LigHteR, NeLLy, STrAWBeRRieS, TuPAC, NeLLy, 50 CeNt, SaFeTy PiNs, FrApPoCiNo, BaGGy CLotHES, HaPPy BuNNy, TaTTooS, TaNgERiNe ALtOiDs, BOxEs, GrEEn EyeS, LouD MusIC, RaP, BLiNk 182, BaM FroM JACKaSS, WhiPPED CreaM, CheRRieD TOppEd ICe cReaM, UgLy BuLKy BraCeLeTs, PiSSin PeoPle OFF, BlaCK & ReD, MY ComPuTer (My OnLy TheRaPy!, ViCToRia'S SeCreT, KiSSeS oN THe NeCk, K*SwiSS, RiM (10's iN THe FronT 22's iN the baCk..Not That i EveN HaVe a DAMn Car), AshToN KutCheR, CLeaR TaPe, & PeiRCiNGs

AnA HaTeS:
PosERs, CheeRLeaDers, PRePS, GuyS wHO SAy THey HATe pREps BUt THat s wHo They bE DAtIng, WATer, SpoNgeS, HatERs, LiBraRiaNs, TeaCherS, GooDi GooDies, AVriL LavGNe, SuNNy Days, PreJuDiCe PeoPle, OvER ConfiDenCe, HighLiGHtERs, DOnkEys, UniCorNs, CLownS, PinK, PanTs, LovE LeTTers, VaNs, AnGeLs, StuPiD gUys WHo CaNT SHut thE FUCK uP, NickLes, DimeS, PEnniEs, AOL, and tHAT ONe AsiAN bitCh NaMEd Ana..Oh Wait THats ME

My PLayLiSt
**Lil KiM ft. 50 Cent: MagicK sTicK
**TuPaC: Never CaLL yOu BitCh aGain
**NBK - LoSt iN LoVe
**DMX - SliPPiN
**KoTToNMouTH KiNGs - FReaKs oF tHE iNdUsTRy
**If JaCk Was StucK oN A HorSe And HE COuLDnT Get OFF WOuLd YoU HeLp JacK oFF THE HOrse?
**InSaNiTy iS jUst AnGer PuT tO GooD UsE
**"RaCiSm is BAd. ITs Doesnt MAttER WHat CoLor YouR sKiN is AS LoNg aS yOu'Re ReaLLy ReaLLy Good LookIng"
- Derek ZooLandER
you kno whats really sad is that this is what i do at 10:30 at night hopin he would dial the number tonight because hearing his voice would make me drown under his fake appreciation again. and it wouldnt matter what time it is when i hang up the phone finally, or if i hang up the phone at all. i dont like it when i orbit my thots on one guy. one stupid guy. it makes me realize now hopelessly i need him even though i dont admit to it. god i hate it. i hate this. i hate him. but then all this hatred i am feelin ((with my tiny little black heart!*cough*)) is actually just love with a hideous mask on.

you kno that feeling you get when you just want to rip out all your hair strand by strand and scream as loud as you can quietly so no one looks up and you dig your nails into your skin so you can see the tru color of your blood? well thats the way he makes me feel. and i hate it kuz i love it when his words are spoken to me but then i realize that half the words i just fell in love with are filled with obscenities and lies. but still...plz dont wake me up when this is over..plz? and let him pour salt over my open wound.

everyday is like a dream and i cant wake up and scream...kuz even dead roses are beautiful too rite?

no no im not krazie or psycho or have issues....


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