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This is ME!
Wednesday, 9 August 2006
Mood:  energetic
Hey! long time no post huh? well lately i've been to a camp at St. Kates and meet cool girls from around minnesota. I also just got back from a mission trip to Boston, were i met awsome people from around the country (indiana, seatle and michigan) the michigan people i talked the most to especially toaster, caitlin, and kelsey. i absoblutly luv toaster- he gave me like 50 hugs a days and gave me at least one small kiss on the cheek a day and told me he loved me. i dunno if it was just toaster being toaster of if it was true. but he did tell me that he'd miss ME the MOAST!! but i'm really going to miss that kid he was so sweet and nice and caring. but all of the kids there were so nice! and i'm gonna miss them all.

well i'm gonna try to write on here more and i'll see how that works

*jackie Jones*

Posted by crazy/bluegirl08 at 3:51 PM EDT
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Monday, 20 March 2006
Mood:  don't ask
i have one question to ask you: how are friends supposed to act?? okay kinda stupid question right, but to me it means alot. all of my so called "friends" ignore me when their with other of our friends. so when its just me and one friend its all good and dandy, but when its me and 2 friends the 2 friends stay together and totally ignore me, and tell their own secrete jokes and secretes that their other friend (me) can't know- or else... what? i'll share w/ someone else- yea right that is not me! i would only tell another friend if it had something to do with them and would affect their life..

so i ask you again how are friends supposed to act??, nice, Loyal, caring, listen to you, talk to you (even when other people are around and just need your help with some homework or some crap like that)

grrrrrrrrr ;( like really act like a real person to me- if you have a problem with me TELL ME for gosh sakes, i can handle it- i may get mad for a little bitm but i'll get over it and it'll be all cool again but no, just got to keep acting like a b**** to me and GOSH!! i hate this- high school drama.

well i g2g

Posted by crazy/bluegirl08 at 8:34 PM EST
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Wednesday, 8 February 2006
Mood:  not sure
well, this is me and i'm just gonna use this to just say stuff, and wirk things out and remember things, so if u found me please let me know and stuff. :)

Posted by crazy/bluegirl08 at 6:50 PM EST
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