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My soccer page!

Hey there! This is my official soccer page. Soccer Rox! I play soccer of course. I am trying out for Xtreme, so wish me luck! Two of these pictures are from the FIFA U-19 women's last soccer game, Canada vs. United States. The United States won by a golden goal. Darn. Oh well, Canada will get those American's next time cuz Canada is the Best! We still came out with silver though, so we still did awesome. The other picture is just a little picture of a little soccer person.


Hey there! I am here to give you the stats for the FIFA womens world championships! Le's hope our team gets the gold! September 20: Canada 1 Germany 4 September 24: Canada 3 Argentina 0 September 27: Canada 3 Japan 1 October 2 : Canada 1 China 0 Canada is now in the semi- finals playing Sweden! If Canada beats Sweden, they will be fighting for gold in the fianls with either Germany or The United States. Good luck to Canada!!
