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welcome to bizarro's subdomain!

1/13/06: it seems that my main site (and all of, for that matter) is having problems. i don't know how many of you check this page, but i may have to move everything here (or somewhere) if that site keeps having problems.
meanwhile, there are new episodes of Kids Next Door showing on saturday morning, check the schedule for times.
finally, if you're hankering to see my fanart, there's always my deviantart page.

12/03/05: wow, it's been a long time since i've been here, huh? anyways, my main site is actually working okay. last i checked. so...go there, i guess!

05/07/04: now there are other, even more annoying issues with my main site, yippee. (check it out for a more detailed explaination) i'm working on fixing it, but it'll take a while. i'm trying to think of a simple way to give access to my fanart while i'm fixing the problem...but life never is simple, is it? -_-;;

05/06/04: of course i get lazy and neglect to update this site. and now my main site is freaking out with all the 404 errors.... i think it's just an thing, and hopefully it'll fix itself soon. if not, i have a lot of file updating to do!