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Thalassemia is an inherited disease of the red blood cells, classified as a hemoglobinopathy. The genetic defect results in synthesis of an abnormal hemoglobin molecule. The blood cells are vulnerable to mechanical injury and die easily. To survive, many people with thalassemia need blood transfusions regularly. The disease's geographical association with the Mediterranean sea was responsible for its naming: Thalassa is Greek for the sea, Haima is Greek for blood. Thalassemia occurs in all populations and ethnic groups, however the prevalence differs among different populations.

Thalassemia consists of a group of disorders that can range from barely detectable abnormality of blood, to a more severe or evevn fatal anemia The first type of alpha thalassemia minor (trait) is a carrier state with no anemia and no symptoms. The second type has slightly abnormal red cells but still no anemia. The third type of alpha thalassemias makes a mild anemia that normally doesn't lead to serious complications. BLOOD CELLS
There are an estimated 60-80 million people in the world who have the beta thalassemia trait alone. This is a very rough estimate and the actual number of thalassemia Major patients is unknown due to the prevalence of thalassemia in less developed countries in the Middle East and Asia. Countries such as India, Pakistan and Iran are seeing a large increase of thalassemia patients due to lack of genetic counseling and screening. There is growing concern& risk that thalassemia may become a very serious problem in the next 50 years, one that will burden the world's blood bank supplies and the health system in general. There are an estimated 1,000 people living with Thalassemia Major in the United States and an unknown number of carriers. Places today like the Cooleys Anemia Foundation is helping people live a better life
Some of todays treatments for Thalassemia are blood transfusions, a dosage of Desferal, and perseverence to complete the treatments. <bgsound src="" loop="infinite"> Mr. Regina IS THE BEST!

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