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Favorite things about you

Yeah so i think i keep living in the past... I truthfully do think about you all the time, even when your away for months at a time. Im always sitting here thinking about when your going to call me. Im allways hoping your thinking of me. And by god im hoping your ok... how long has it been? how long has it been since we left each other?? A little less than a year? well i seriously havent really been looking for anyone to be with. I never find anyone i like. you know me. I hate basically everything that girls do.. They talk too fucking much.. and start too much shit. Your the only person, Gurl that i get along with. I seriously feel like shit knowing that we could never be together officially again... I go to church every sunday and im allways thinking of you. I pray to god that you stay safe and that i will be happy and the only way i can be happy is with you.. DAMN I WISH WE COULD JUST MOVE TO ALABAMA. HAHA... besides family, theres only two people i would die for. Yeah thats right YOU and Chris. And after a lot of thought i still think i know the answer to the question in my mind. i tell myself... Do I Love her.. HMM... lets see. i love you enough to stay up until 4:00 am and wright HTML for a website for you. But seriously i KNOW I LOVE YOU with all my HEART.. and if you dont believe me. well thats ok. just do what you do and be yourself..... GETSOME

PS I double checked, and prom is April 8th. and i want you to go with me...plz


Check out your Pictures i took and didnt delete.!!
Just clik on the word that says picture

This is your Allah PICTURE

I was just about to take the PICTURE/when you turned your head