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VeNeZoLaNa HaStA lA mUeRtE

i'm not a lie i'm not an illuzion i'm a princess so watz da confuzion?





PeMbRoKe PiNeS ChArTeR

(yeahh~it sucks balls)




* YouR HuGZ N KiSSeZ aRe LiKe THe STaRZ You LiTe uP MY LiFe WHeN THiNGZ GeT DaRK *

i aM a PRiNCeSS, i LiVe iN THe CLouDS iF You WaNNa KiCK iT WiT Me, You BeTTeR BoW DoWN, So GeT oN YouR KNeeS, aND CaLL Me YouR HiGHNeSS, CuZ BaBY i'M venezuela's FiNeST!!! *

* WHeN You'Re iN LoVe PuT THe NaMeS iN a CiRCLe BeCauSe a HeaRT CaN aLWaYS BReaK BuT a CiRCLe iS eVeR-LaSTiNG.

iF i HaD THe LeTTeRs "HRT" i CouLD aDD THe LeTTeR "u" aND GeT THe WoRD "HuRT" oR i CouLD aDD THe LeTTeRS "ea" aND GeT THe WoRD "HeaRT" BuT i RaTHeR PuT "u" aND GeT "HuRT" THaN Be WiTHouT "u"

It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is the most painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.

*Duele amar a alguien y no ser corespondido, pero duele mas amar a alguien y no tener valor para poder expresar lo que sientes.

*Im like a butterfly pretty to see hard to catch

*The worst way to miss someone is to be sittin right beside them knowin you cant have them

*if u need a nickel ill give u a dime but if u need a man bitch dont fuck wit mine

*love is a sensation caused by a temptation when a boy sticks his dictation into a gurls comminications

*CuTe eNoUgH tO mAkE yOu LoOk TwIcE sWeEt EnOuGh BuT nOt ToO nIcE a LiL cRaZy BuT nOt ToO WiLd ThE kInDa GuRl ThAt'Ll MaKe Ya sMiLe LoVe Me NoW, oR lOvE mE nEvA, bUt If U lOvE mE, lOvE mE 4-eVa

*I'm 32% hottie, 28% naughty, 23% fine, 16% sure I bet ya wanna be mine, and 1%innocent. It all equals out to 100% of what your man wants!

*A kiss blown is a kiss wasted the only real kinda kiss is a kiss tasted

*im loved by some hatted by many envied by most yet wanted by many

*Guys are playas thats a fact dont fall in love just play em back

  • yeah dis is me!!AnDrEa

    JuSt ReMeMbA i LuV y'all.

  • DiS oNe Of My CoOlEst

    FrIeNdZ LuIzA i LuV U

    liLy S-I LuV yA U r Da bEsT of dA bEsT..

    aLeXIS-gReaT fRiEnD u HaVe AlWaYz BeEn ThEre

    4 me bAd AnD gOoD TiMeS.

    YoU aRe A gReAt FrIeNd PuNkY

    CoUnT oN mE 4 EVA..

    OrI-JuSt CuZ i LuV u ...Im PuTtiN dIs hErE!

    i LuV yA AlL vErY MuCh....!!!! LoS qUiErO mUcHO!!