-->> <<--

reporting live from:

Hello Daddy Hello Mom.. im your ch ch ch cherrybomb... Hello World Im Your Wild Grrrrrrl.. im your ch ch ch cherry bomb

thank u for entering RIOT GRRLRL's lovely world of psychoticism... here u will find shyt that describes me as a person... but b4 we move on jus want to say that if ur lookin to make *WhOoOpIe*.. this is not the place to be... as ive said b4..... i aint a fuccin hoodrat and am not looking for fuck pals.... so if u want u sum... move right along dear... there are plenty of freak hoez on this shit so dont waste ur time...

Personality Description

well..... to simplify my personality... (for those of u who dont know me).. Im very VERY much like the ppl listed below.. hopefully youll be able to implement their behavioral characteristics to help define my own.

Piktchuz Of My Twinz:


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + + LUXURIA + +

why is it that i want you

could you be the demon that longs to lure me away

are you the one that tears and rips apart

is it you, that wants me to burn in the fires of satan

permanently burying me

into the soil that chokes and beats me

replacing my sacred being

with unnatural



why do you desegrate my pact with the holy one

taking away my seat located beyond heaven`s gate

drowning me in delusions of a perfect love

do you not understand the meaning of rings that

wrap around the finger


to the one that enters vaginas

and speaks of fuccking

do you not comprehend?

that you continue urinating

tainting the golden shimmer

of what is supposed to be eternal

obliquely breaking the circle that once binded

why do you pretend to be deaf

when i tell you to get lost

and why do you make me feel sorry for you

with your postiche weeping

and proclamations

of fradulent love

your enticements

of fed sexual appetites


happy manifestations


my mentality

begging me to stay

while you

subliminally force me

subconsciously tempt me

rape and stimulate me

gradualy depleat me

unwillingly sacrifice me

to the roots of your evil

a pseudo esthete

non existant lover

artificial inseminator

verity i will uncover

your perverted truth

will come to an end

you will no longer mock me

or laugh at my entrapment

and all of your fuccking unscrupulous people

will no longer infect me

this indirect venal agreement

will be cancelled

for i believe

that my faith is a mercenary

and that the death of what was never mine


wash away

your existence xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



fucc you

you timeless




you and all your pathetic lies about this and that

rambling on and on about how what you feel for me is something rare

rare rare rare........


a piece of glass on the street

ran over by the burned tires of an exhausted memory

is what beats inside this drained soul of mine

with songs of repetitons of holding hands and kissings under the starlight that once so ecstatically shivered

but much like its twinkle

its all a facade

as the earths turbulance trickles the light

making a beautiful scenery of what is not true




are the words that once came out of your empty heart

you say but one thing

only to turn around and do another

finding happinesses in the arms of others

between their legs you curse me

forget me

trample me

like teardrops do when they fall from my soul

but dont mind me

by all means


melt with your lust

enter it with orgasmic emotions

just remember

a few seconds is what it will last you

and then you are left with nothing

and dont think that i will be here

here to comfort you when things go bad

or here to hear you out when she spits on you

and leaves her fluids all over your body

after a long night of what you say never happened

for i will be gone......

farther than the dark ages

or even the beginning of time

emptiness is what you will find when you search for me

the universe may be vast

but a spreckle of my love will cease to exist

my image will no longer burn your eyes

my scent will no longer linger in your olfactory epithelium

it is Anosmia

a deficient sound

a melting touch


and a lost time

that will blind me from you

forever xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CONVICTED

why did u

chain me up to that

prevaricated wall of yours

and leave me

leave me for the contaminated beings

that devour you like a

starving vulture

cant you see

all they do is

use you

and depart

with your bones embedded

deep into their shyt

as thee osseous tissues of mice

rest in the droppings of an owl

must i spread my legs

and let every fly nest their eggs inside me

and must i seduce them

until their feces ejaculate

and competely evaporate me

would i be good enough then

good enough to own you entirely

or would i have to lick the snakes that crawl

around this cave of reprobate behavior

sucking and swallowing while they spue the venom

that makes me a part of them

cant you understand

i am but a

blood thirsty bat

befuddled in the dark

yet i still

hunt and probe


all of my inquiries to myself

all of ur unseen wrongdoings

dont go unnaccounted for

i may be blind

but i still see

and ur trenchant acts

will come back to you

for the concept of pain

always gets reciprocated

you may be free

and i may be bound

but the hex you created in me

will take u to a place youll never be found

so be independent my love

relieve your undying yearn

to suckle the breasts of festering mortals

feed yourself

and submerge yourself

into their reproductive tract

allow yourself the pleasure

of fuccking

and deconstructing



all the words of love you once spoke

and sting


with all of your sexual affairs

do it

my sweet



i will be here




and obligated



you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + + MIRROR + +

you your just like me you lie you cheat you yell obscenities @ those that annoy and those you want as a toy you you walk around empty torn between 2 whom hearts you break repeatedly violating them over and over letting the darkness enter as you bleed ripping tearing throwing away all the love you get and keeping all the lust

you later forget xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx