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A Journal of a VH student
Saturday, 16 August 2003
My first day as Gryffindor
Today I was sorted, can you believe it I made it into Gryffindor! I had thought for sure I’d be sorted into Hufflepuff or even Ravenclaw. But nope I made it into Gryffindor, which is very cool, just very unexpected.

I haven’t meet that many people, on the train I meet Tulia she’s really sweet. I couldn’t believe she’d gotten placed in Slytherin not that there’s anything wrong with that it just doesn’t seem like that house fits her personality is all, but then again what do I know? I mean I’m sure the sorting hat knows best.

I’ve talked to a few people over the time I’ve been here before I got sorted today and they all seem like sweethearts. Most of them even want to be in Gryffindor as well! I’ve joined a few clubs which is really nice, if mother could see me now she’d be so very proud, or so very unhappy at my joining in on things, she never liked me having friends before it interfered with other things she’d say.

Father on the other hand was just the happiest I’d ever seen him I swear he was completely joyous when I told him where I had been sorted. I sent him an owl just yesterday telling him of my times. My friend Calvin he’s a first year Ravenclaw well he told me I should send mother an owl but I don’t know its just scary, I hardly have a clue what to say to her when I’m in her presence so how would I know what to write you know?

Surprisingly I’m not that scared of everyone like I was back home, maybe they can relate to me? I don’t know. But I am terrified of classes I don’t know how everything will go and I don’t want to lose the house any points. But I am going to try my best and I guess that’s all I can do right?

Everyone here is so different from back home, it’s not like I haven’t meet another magical family, I mean aunt Isabel and uncle Max were pure bloods and so were their children. But it’s just different because I’m not forced to speak with the other students here I actually want to.

Well that’s my day, I’ve been sorted I’m happy and I wonder what will happen tomorrow.


Posted by crazy/babygurl22 at 4:06 PM
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