HoMe | HoLlAs | Ma GuRlZ | OfF tHa HoOk BaTtLeS | HoT sHiT

ChRiS (aKa GaNgStA)

yeye baby! what do u think of this! haahaha! much betta than bein in a stupid msn profile eh?!?! hell yes!!!! thnx for havin my back through shit....ur da best! and ya...i'm fucken choked and hope u fuck him up!!! fo real fo real! i hate him...which makes me lose trust even more...which i didn't really have to begin with...so ya....do wuteva u wanna do! besides all dat shit...we r so much betta than tha king of skids...and his new queen...stupid fuckers! ewwwwww! aaahahahaha! yo u want me to find a way to put that pic up here?? cuz yo ima try my hardest! haahahaha! but u better not put mine up there! NOOOO! aaahahaaah!


ur always gonna be a sexay monsta in ma life..no matta what happens! fo real fo real! but u gotta come see da place...i think u will like it! haahaha...well u might not...but i sure do!!!! ...still remember the first day i met ya...the BRITA!! yeye baby..i still got it! and i will foreva! hahahaha! ma best best guy friend...is a hot sexay monsta! ohhh ya! when i really really need to talk to u...ur always there....and i luv it!

oh ya....how can i forget u breakin into ma place this summa....aahahah...was that payback for me and rai bustin in ur garage...with sticky notes?!?!!? hahahah! "U CAN RUN..U CAN HIDE..."...MUHAAAHAHAHAH!