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Fri, 30 Dec 2005
Mood:  on fire
I went to buy $300 of fireworks last night. I already had $50 in wholesale fireworks, which is about $150-$200 at a stand. I've got at least 10 of the 500g-class multi-effect fountains, several 1.4g-class fountains, artillery shells, and a roll of 2000 firecrackers for midnight!

thats whats going on with crazy/b1g_4ss_m4n at 12:20 PM CST
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Mon, 26 Dec 2005

Mood:  blue
Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Babs is leaving me to go to Arkansas. I'm so fcuking depressed right now. I had hoped that we could hook up, but I had forgotten that whenever I have hope for something it always falls through.:`(

thats whats going on with crazy/b1g_4ss_m4n at 2:21 PM CST
Updated: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 12:27 PM CST
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Sun, 25 Dec 2005

Mood:  hungry
HoHoHo Merry Christmas. Now I'm hungry again, so I'm going back for a fifth plate. Bye-Bye.

thats whats going on with crazy/b1g_4ss_m4n at 7:05 PM CST
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Sat, 24 Dec 2005

Mood:  flirty
I've decided to post every Saturday and on important occaisions.
Now to business. I gave Babs her Christmas gift today. It was a $50 gift certificate to Best Buy. She hugged me twice and I lifted her a few feet off of the ground. WOW! she's light ;'). She has been in Ohio since Hurr. Katrina. I missed her a lot and was worried that she wouldn't come back :'[ .

thats whats going on with crazy/b1g_4ss_m4n at 9:40 PM CST
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Thu, 22 Dec 2005
A Brief Summary
Mood:  a-ok
Starting off, I'm 19 years old, but I just got a computer(finally) so i'm still kinda new at this. I'm also a little lazy so don't expect daily postings. Besides, my life isn't that interesting and you have to have something better to do, so why bother reading about mine. Oh well, you asked for it.

thats whats going on with crazy/b1g_4ss_m4n at 4:52 PM CST
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